Your on Bitch!

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Anti walking around the house, absentmindedly twirling his knife, looking for something to do. When he passed Jack and Eveliens room. Jack was still passed the fuck out. He looked up and down the hallway, seeing if anyone was there. Then walked into his room. He got Jack's phone, turned it up all the way, and turned on "Chop Suey". In his hands glitched two crash symbols. He nodded his head with the music and waited. Then he sang with the singer.
"Wa̶̸͠͡k̨̛͏͘e̛ ̴̀̀̕U͟p͠͡͞!́̀̀͜͜" Hitting the symbols together, waking the YouTuber up in a start. He looked around the room, his giant eyes landing on the glitch demon with a scowl.
"Anti!" He tried to ball tap him as he glitched away, with a giggle. Jack whispered to himself, all ready plotting.
"Oh, your on bitch."
Jack sat a cup of black coffee on the table, with a note saying, "Your welcome -Jack" He then proceeded to squeeze glue into the cup and run into a corner, waiting for his prey. Jack heard whistling and laughed to himself as they walked in. He heard the cup being picked up from the table and covered his mouth to not laugh. Then he heard it.
"Hurensohn! Who zhe fuck!" Jack stopped laughing and had wide eyes. He finally turned around and saw a angry German. He ran before he could see him. Or so he thought.
"Zhat dick, I too can play zhis game."
Schneep stole Jack's shampoo, and he too used the helpful tool of glue. He put it back in its place and waited to here the satisfying screams. He pretended to be interested in a book while he sat in the living room. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the green hair booking to the bathroom. He could barely hold on his snickers. He heard the water hitting off the wall, the agonizing wait for the yell was unbearable. Then.
"Holy shit fuck!" Schneep lots it. He had to take off his glasses in fear of breaking them he was laughing so hard. The door slammed open and matched towards him. He saw the long hair and knew he was fucked.
"Marvin, umm, I have papers I need to go over, I'll leave you to your devices." He quickly scurried off. Marvin's blue eyes glowed in his anger, with his sticky, long, green hair.
"Schneep." He heard and groan from the other side of his door. Schneep cocked his eyebrows and opened his door. Marvin collapsed, covered in blood, weak.
"Marvin, holy shit! Vhat happened?" He picked up the magician.
"Robbie." Gasped the magician, coughing afterwords.
"Robbie?" Then he heard groans, he looked towards the door and saw a purpled haired, pale white skinned, pale eyes zombie.
"Robbie... Hungry." The zombie jumped at the doctor pinning him. The doctors struggled were useless as the zombie came down on his neck. Schneep closed his eyes, expecting the pain of having his neck be torn out. But it didn't come, instead he got a giant chuckle out of the purple haired assailant and magician.
"Got you!" The zombie got up holding his hand down to help the German. Schneep was beyond confused. Marvin got up from the bed and rubbed some of the blood off his face.
"Vhat?.." The zombie grabbed his hair and took it off, revealing green hair.
"Yup, just helping Marvin with a prank, went well. Marv, can you get me out of this look, I mean, love the sweater but damn!" Marvin chuckled and held up his hand to his creator eyes and hand glowing blue as Jack's color in his body and eyes returned. The long sleeved shirt turning into a black PMA T-shirt. Schneep stared at the two in much disbelief as the pair walked out.
In the middle of the prank war, Antis wardrobe turned pink, JJ's mustache got shaved (thanks to the fanbase grew back rather quick), Jackie's hair turned orange, Chase's nerf gun got glued the the wall, Jack had a mouth full of puddy, Marvin panicked because he thought he broke his mask, when in reality it got switched. And Schneep had cold water bucket showers stepping into almost every room. Eventually the called a truce, sort of.
"H͢͡e͏҉y͏̶̧͞ ̀J̶̀͢͜ą̛͝c̡ḱ͠,̷̴ ̢͞I̴ ̸m҉a̢d̛͘e͡ c͞a̷̛͡͡k̀ȩ̛͡.̵̛̛͘͢" Anti looks at you like the office and winks.
Septic prank war!

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