Nightmare, slightly offended, rolls his pupils, and eyed you. "alright. fine."

You almost shouted in joy when he added, "but yer not allowed to be out of our sight."

Nodding, you reply. "Seems fair, Master."

"get re'dy." Horror says, smiling.

Dust and Killer eyes each other, already knowing what they're going to say. Dust grins, "yer goin' to be dust."

"not to kill yer mood but," Killer laughs, "i've had my reverse cards up my sleeves."

"What?" you chime in, puzzled. "Wanna play UNO?"

"what th-" Killer halts then burst into a fit of laughter. "didn't mean it like that."

You nod, even though you didn't fully understand what he said, you tore your gaze from him back to Cross. "Anything in mind, Master?"

Cross cringes, "er, i dunno."

"capt're d'hum'n." Horror chimes in, smiling. "but 'nstead of hum'n, let's make it princess."

Smiling like a child, you gave him a weird look. "Princess? Why Princess?"

He shrugs, shoulders vibrating. "felt like it."

"that's stupid." Nightmare comments, fingers patting the table.

"Come on, Master," you add. "It can't be bad."

He slumped back on his chair, grumbling under his breath as he stares at the window.

Horror shrugs again. "likewise, i's a battle where we all fight just'o get ya."

"My role is a stand?" You question him, biting the smile off your lips.

"well, at least, a hot one." Dust comments with a wink as you shot him a death glare.

"Why is everybody okay with this?!" You shouted, pointing at Dust who just shrugs. "I mean, Master Dust was acting odd the last few days!"

"er- (y/n)-" Cross says, trying to calm you down as your brows furrowed. "it's side effects, he. . . he kinda took it a little far when we were away."

"And you didn't even bother to tell me?" You bark, voice biting caution. "I've been sitting my butt here, suffering his nosy lines for two days!"

They shrug uncomfortably, pupils avoiding you as they stare at that one thing their sight landed. Even Nightmare was taken off by your sudden change of mood and tone.

"sass-" Dust comments.

"-Shut up!" You glare at him, that glare that says, 'if you say one more word, you're dead'.

a pun.

"we're already dead tho." you hear him mumble under your breath, it took a lot of energy not to strangle him then. . . then.

Your mind went blank, it was just you couldn't bring anything to harm them. You just lost your  temper with all your stress.

Sighing, you recollect your self. "I-I'm sorry, I will go now Masters."

You gave them one last sigh then headed out of the room.

They look at each other, then to Dust.

He says this sentence. "'m gonna be dead 'n her birthday, ain't i?"

"yep." Killer agrees. "that dare is screwed."

Nightmare roll his pupils. "'s not my fault ya lost."

"whatever." Dust barks back, looking at where he last saw you.

He'll make it up to you soon.


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