Fear (1)

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Kage's eyes glanced up at the counter looming over him. Borrowing was always intimidating for someone so small. Especially alone. His younger sister, Evelyn, normally went with him, but she had gotten more and more sick as the days progressed. It was too dangerous for her to borrow in her feverish state.

As his fishing hook lodged into the counter, he hoped he could get enough food for her. The stupid human living here was always so unpredictable, making borrowing more difficult. Kage's muscles screamed in anguish as he forced himself to climb the rope. He already felt weak and exhausted before he even started to climb. When he finally reached the counter top, he collapsed in exhaustion. As thick beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, he allowed himself a few minutes of rest.

Once he got his bearings he forced himself to get up, his knees shaking at the pure notion of it.

'I have to do this!' he told himself. 'Evelyn is counting on me!'

Kage's eyes skimmed the counter top, looking for food that he could easily grab without it being noticed. Just as his eyes landed on an open box of cereal, Kage felt his heart drop.

Fear filled him as he heard the door open. Why did the stupid human have to be home now, he was supposed to be at the beach with his friends longer! It hadn't even been 10 minutes since the bean left the house!

Kage quickly tried to find a place to hide. But it was too late. The bean's eyes had already landed on him. As the giant stared at him in shock, Kage's hand quickly shot into his bag.

Pulling out a thumbtack, he pointed it at the general direction of the human. If he was going to die, it wasn't going to be without a fight.

"I-I'm warning you," Kage's voice trembled, "I'm armed!"


Kai was having a shitty day. He had been excited to go to the beach. His best friend had given him a surfboard for his birthday awhile ago and he had been dying to try it out. The second he had gotten to the beach, it started raining. Then his parents had the audacity to call him as he was driving home and start harassing him about 'betraying god' and 'worshipping the devil'. He rolled his eyes, he thought the whole point of disowning your child was so you didn't have to talk to them anymore.

And now, after all this shit, he had to deal with a 4 inch person on his counter top. Great.

"I-I'm warning you," the tiny man said, obviously attempting to seem threatening, "I'm armed."

Kai snorted when he saw that what he was 'armed' with was a thumbtack.

"Alright little dude," He said in amusement, "and what exactly are you planning on doing with your dangerous weapon?"

When the tiny being spoke again, his voice trembled worse than before. "D-Don't c-come an-any c-closer."

Kai took a step forward and the tiny person visibly flinched. "Uhuh, and what are you going to do if I do go closer? This is my house, you know."

The thumb tack he was holding was trembling in his hands. "I-I'll stab you!" he yelled, surprising Kai how loud that tiny being could be. "I'm not going to let you kill me without a fight!"

Kai's brows furrowed in confusion as he processed what the guy just said. Did this dude really think he was going to kill him like some sort of monster? Then Kai realized. His shaky voice, his trembling hands, the little dude was terrified of him. Kai realized how scary this must be for him to have some stranger so giant so close to you, without knowing their intentions.

Kai took a step back, and the guy trembling on the counter stared at him with bewilderment. "Listen," he said in a tone that he hoped was comforting, "I'm not going to kill you dude. Relax."

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