Micropolis (2)

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Jake's Pov:

Hello again, douches. My name's Jake and kick adult humans in the groin and punt children into orbit. This excludes my buddy, Alex. Yes, I'm his buddy now, got a problem?

It's been four weeks since he gave us a home in his house and I have to admit, it's quite different then what I expected. 

The first week was probably the worst as literally all of us were confused, scared, angry, or all three emotions at the same time. I hate to admit it but I was one of the ones that was feeling all three. Dom was just confused and happy the entire time. Typical Dom. Although I did get a "job" from Alex. He told me that he knew no one really trusted him so he said I should listen in and see what people wanted. This brings me to my second week.

During the second week I started to listen in to peoples' conversations. (I'm not a creep I swear!) Anyways, I overheard one of the younger children, maybe nine or ten, say she wanted to try a strawberry. I told Alex and the next day: BOOM! Strawberries! I now think she thinks he's a wizard. Heh, kids. Cute but dumbassess.

The third week is when I think we all really started to like Alex or think he's an idiot. I'm not sure where I stand. He noticed everyone but a few were really uptight and nervous around him. So he pulled a stunt I don't think I will forget.


I was in my house, resting on my couch. I have no idea why, but I was. That's when I heard it.

*Thump Thump Thump*

This is normal to hear (and feel, the vibrations are like fucking earthquakes) but it sounded like it was coming for the room with the town in it. What does he want now?

I exit my house. I notice a lot of the others have done the same. Most people live on their own but some "cage buddies" lived together as well as the younger kid living with some older people. Anyway, he walked around the corner and faced us.

"So..." He started, his voice booming, even if he was trying to keep it down. "I have noticed some of you are still uneasy around me, and I totally get that. However, I want to do something to help with that." He reached around the wall, into the hall, and grabbed something. He pulled out a bag of "Tiny Chow". This scared some people and made many just stare. I was just really fucking confused.

He noticed our expressions and quickly started to explain. "Oh, crap, nonono, that's not what I'm doing." We calmed down but were still very confused. "I just wanted to show I'm not a bad person and that I want you to be my equals. And to show do that," he reached into the bag "I want to endure, even a small portion, of what you had to endure." He's not. No way. God dammit Alex.

He quickly ate a handful of the shit, chewing slowly with a look of disgust on his face. "Oh my Gaawwd." He said as he chewed and swallowed. He's done right? Wrong. He grabbed another handful and ate it. "Oh jeez. I will be right back." He quickly dashed down the hall to the bathroom.

*Thump Thump Thump*

We all just stood there in awe that he actually did it. That stuff tastes terrible and is worse if you eat a lot at a time. That's why we usually nibbled on it. But he ate two entire handfuls! There were mutters going around.

"He actually did that?"

"Oh man!"

"Wow. Maybe he ain't so bad."

*Thump Thump Thump*

After a solid two minutes we heard him returning. He walked in and just said "Man, you guys ate that stuff? That's horrible." And you know what we did? We just clapped. We were so dumbfounded, amazed, and respecting of him now, we just clapped. "Oh- I- Thank you." He stuttered before bowing. He might be an idiot but I'm glad that he's a friendly idiot.

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