𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

Start from the beginning

"I could never hate you, you're my son."

That's when Kingston saw Danny's mother fill the invisible figure. Now seeing him cling to his mom for life and all he could do was watch.

"If you found out what's wrong you'd hate me-."

"Never I promise." Danny's mother interrupted, and Kingston saw Danny relax in her arms.

It began to kick in to him that he looked like the Danny from now almost six years ago. From when they had sex...then it kicked in what he was watching.

"I'm pregnant, mama. I did my family wrong, I wrong you all!" Danny cried, Kingston seeing him look at his mother. His eyes continuing to create tears and stream down his face.

Until Kingston flinched, seeing Danny look at him. His eyes narrowing on him as he pointed at him. Kingston knew it was just a simulation, but it felt so real that he began to feel worse.

"You got me pregnant and I couldn't go to you for anything." The simulation told Kingston, and he knew that these words were probably programmed. Except he felt like at the same time...they weren't.

"You could have, I would've accepted you-."

"I could not have. I would've lost my family, everyone I love. There was the possibility of putting our lives in danger if I was to admit Milla was our child... It was either lose everything I know and love, starting a war in my Pack; or go to you, someone I was told to hate and enter a Pack that is programmed to hate me. Which one sounds like a better option?" Danny asked him.

Kingston just looked at the sim, feeling like he was really speaking to Danny. He had to stop himself from suffering.

"I wouldn't...let them treat you horribly-."

"Answer my question!"

"I don't know because I've never been in that situation before! I can't help that Luca was my second-chance Mate and-."

"Stop trying to explain yourself! Stop trying to be right all the time! Put yourself in my shoes for once in your life! Answer my question!" Danny shouted over Kingston's voice.

Kingston ran his hands over his face, trying to calm down. His heart beating faster because he kept trying to tell himself he would've done different. Yet if he really was in Danny's shoes...would he have done the same thing?

"I...I would've done what you've done, but five years? You stayed away from me for five years! Explain that to me, why would you do that to me? Stay away for so long...?" I plead for him to answer that question, and I saw him sigh.

"I was afraid. He was afraid, Dae-Jung was afraid."

My eyes widen because I didn't want him to be afraid. I'm saddened that he was afraid to begin with. Am I that frightening?

When we first met I didn't do anything for him to be afraid of me. All we did was have sex and I wanted to be Mates with him - tell everyone what we were.

That we could end this feud and be together. I didn't run from him - he ran from me. Instead of rejecting me he let me suffer for all those years. The one that should've been afraid was me! Afraid on if I was to tell the truth about what we were and he would try to kill me!

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