I didn't care to think it over. I didn't get to see her at school so I'll see her at her place. She's probably the only one that can make me feel better right now.

I found a parking space a few feet up from her house. I quickly turned my car off and got out to knock on her door. I took a deep breath and took my bun out. I attempted to fix my hair before she got to the door.

The door opened slowly and Athena's head poked out. She looked tired but beautiful as always.

"Hi," She said softly. "Are you okay?"

Her question broke me in an instant, but I held myself together for the most part. I fought the building tears in my eyes as Athena pulled me inside.

"What happened?" She asked. "Did something happen at school?"

I shook my head, afraid of speaking. If I speak I know my voice will betray me.

She stood in front of me, her brown tank top and pajama pants draping past her ankles. She looks worried ... like I might've done something bad. But she'll be relieved to know I didn't.

"Talk to me," She said gently — too gently. I could barely look her in the eyes. "I'm sorry I wasn't there—"

"Don't," I rejected quickly. "That's not your fault."

Her lips were drooping into a frown. Is she pitying me? I hope not. She knows I hate that.

She hummed quietly, "Are you hungry? I can hear your stomach."

I looked down and shook my head. I almost smiled at the loud noise my stomach made right after she asked.

"Yes," I admitted. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

She folded her arms, looking unimpressed, "You have to stop forgetting to eat."

I nodded, "I know. It was the last thing on my mind today."

She kissed my cheek with a hand holding my face and it was like that little kiss breathed life back into my body, "After you eat you can tell me about today."

The sense of dread I felt earlier was coming back. I don't really want to talk, not anymore. I'm tired of being reminded of what's already passed. And I'm starting to think maybe I'm not so emotionally independent after all.

I tried to shut my brain off long enough to relax and eat the food Athena put together for me. After the first spoonful of food, I had forgotten what I was so upset about in the first place. My body was thanking me and I was already starting to feel better. If only food was the cure every time.

We were sitting down at the kitchen table. Athena was typing on her Mac.

"I had an emergency today," Athena said. "A friend needed my help."

I forcefully swallowed my mouthful of food to respond, "Is everything okay?"

She sighed, "Yeah, just she got into an accident in the middle of the night. She called and it was hectic — she's fine. For the most part."

"That explains why you look so tired."

She groaned lightly, "Oh I'm exhausted. I can't wait to get to bed."

"I fell asleep in my car parked by the harbor. I don't even remember closing my eyes. I have no idea how long I've been asleep for."

"Jesus Nova, what happened?"

I sighed, "Can I finish my food first? I'd really hate to kill my appetite right now."

"Eat away."

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