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Six years later

"And that was how Bruce, Wally and the team saved my life! And how I became the first Robin!" Said a very much older Dick. The ebony was now 20 years old, he stopped being Robin and became Nightwing.

"Grayson, no one asked!" Said Damian Wayne, Damian is Bruce's biological son and also took the Robin mantle. He's also the youngest.

"For once I agree with the demon" Said Jason Todd, Jason was another child Bruce adopted. Jason was Robin before too, but he became Red Hood.

"Oh please, Tim likes the story" Dick said, looking at Tim. Tim was another child Bruce adopted after Jason. Tim became Robin too but now he's Red Robin.

"No offense, Dick, but you tell this story all the time" Said Tim very nervously. The four boys were all in the living room, Dick was laying on the couch, Tim was sitting on the opposite end of the couch, Jason was in a recliner along with Damian.

"I don't tell this story all the-" Dick was saying before getting cut off by Jason.

"You tell this story every time you're here!" Jason yelled looking right at Dick.

"Okay, point taken. But everyone loves that story! Cause everyone loves me!" Said Dick, slicking his hair back and smiling. Damian just rolled his eyes along with Jason.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that. But I'm the sexy one." Said Jason a smirk appearing on his face.

"Ha! Todd please, you're not 'sexy'. I mean you're always sweating in the helmet, who would swoon over a sweaty guy?" Damian said, Tim started laughing and Jason was furious.

"I do not sweat in the helmet-" Jason was saying before getting cut off by Tim.

"Remember last time when you took off your helmet after patrol..."


"Ugh finally" Said Jason while taking off his Red hood helmet.

His hair was very wet and his face was really shiny. He started shaking his hair getting some of the sweat off his hair. A drop of sweat landed in someone's eye.

"My eye! Jason! Oh my god, it's stinging" Said Tim as he ran away.

End of flashback

"My eye was stinging for hours" Said Tim, Jason just rolled his eyes.

"If we're talking about sexy, it's obviously me! I mean like look at me!" Dick said jumping off the couch to make a pose.

"Nope, I'm the most sexiest Robin, I still am" Jason said getting off the recliner making a pose too.

The two continued to argue, making Damian more annoyed at the two, Tim was just on his phone texting Conner.

"Tim! Who do you think is more sexy?" Said Dick, Tim was busy texting to hear Dick.


"What? Sorry I was texting Conner"

"Ooo! You and Conner!" Exclaimed Dick, he sat back on the couch with Tim as Jason sat back on the recliner.

"Yeah, we're going out this week, along with Artemis and Zatanna." Tim said while smiling. Dick was happy for his little brother.

"Drake, dating is a complete waste of time." Damian said, Dick just rolled his eyes at the statement.

"Ha! How come I always see you eyeing that Raven girl" Said Jason making Damian blush a bit.

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