Chapter 8

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Robin: Hey guys it's Robin!! Now I know the lame author is making you think I'm "bad" from the last chapter, but I'm here to tell you that's false!

Me: ROBIN! Don't be telling them your lies!!!!

Robin: Me!!! Lying to them!!!! I would never! :0 why would you even think of something like that?!


Robin: Fine! I might've lied.... but only a bit. On with the chapter!!


"I hope you got the information." Said a voice, a voice Robin knew all too well.

"I'm still working on it, but Batman let me on the team." Robin said back to the voice.

Just then Slade jumped down from the from one of the trees, making a perfect landing.

"Just remember Renegade, your mission was to get information about the Justice League and their team of sidekicks. Do not fail me. And remember what happens if you double cross me." Slade said while cracking his knuckles making Robin wince.

Robin nodded his head aware of his mission that he had for awhile.

"Robin!" Batman called, as soon as Slade heard Batman he vanished. Leaving Robin aka Renegade to carry out his mission.

"There you are! Have you found anything?" Asked Batman, the ebony simply shook his head 'no'.

"Come on, lets go back to the cave." Batman said already walking back towards the batmobile with Robin right behind him.


The duo made it back to the batcave, and Agent A was already there with a tray of cookies in his hand.

"Cookies! " Robin yelled out running as fast as he could towards the tray. He didn't know who this 'Agent A' guy is yet, but he sure does loves his cookies.

"Did you find anything Master Batman and Master Robin?" Agent A asked, one thing Robin noticed about Agent A was his accent. He had a British accent. He still needs to find a way to get more information about Batman. Maybe he could hack into the Bat-computer, and after he learns everything about Batman next will be the Young justice team.


After Batman told Agent A that they found nothing,  Agent A tried to be of aid to Batman but decided to quit and start on dinner.

"It feels like I'm missing something." Batman said still staring at the screen of the Bat-computer with Richard Grayson on it aka Robin.

"I've been meaning to ask, do you have a gym? Black Canary says I still need training." The ebony said completely ignoring what Batman said.

Batman got up and started walking to the left of the cave and stopped by a door, Robin quickly followed after the Dark Knight. 

Batman pushed a button on the keypad and the doors slide up to reveal an amazing gym.

The gym had a few punching bags, along with a big mat, which was probably for sparing. But one thing that stood out to Robin the most was the trapeze set, he managed to contain his excitement. (I really didn't what else to put in the gym lol, sorry if the gym sucks)

"You can use this whenever you want to train. I'll also help you train too, Canary can't teach you everything." Said Batman, he then walked off and the door slide down after him. Leaving Robin all alone with the trapeze.

But before Robing could try it out he needed a plan. When was he going to hack the Bat-computer, and how would he escape fast enough. He knew the answer the both of them already.

He was going to hack it when Batman leaves. He was also going to use the zeta tubes to leave but they're too loud, he would have to go the way Batman does when he leaves. Although Robins unsure of going that way too, cause he has no idea where it goes, but anything will be quieter then the zeta tubes.

After planning how he was going to hack the computer, the ebony finally got to go on trapeze.

"Let's see if I'm still good"

The ebony grabbed hold of the bar and started to swing back and fourth, he's use to having another person swinging with him but it was just him.

He kept doing swinging for a couple of mins, he would occasionally hold on to the bar with his legs, or do some flips.

Meanwhile with Batman

"Master Batman, dinner is ready. I've brought Dick's plate down for him." Said Alfred, Batman was too busy trying to find anything about Richard Grayson.

"He's in the gym, I'll eat later Alfred." Batman said not even looking away from the screen.

"I must insist you eat, you've been at this for far too long." Alfred said looking worried.

"I'm not giving up! Richard Grayson's parents died Alfred! I know what he went through! I want to help him!" Batman yelled getting out of the chair, to look straight at Alfred.

There was a moment of silence after Batman yelled, then Batman said "I just want to give him a home, I want to do to him what you did to me." The Dark Knight said plopping back down in the chair.

Alfred looked upset, he was typing on the Bat-computer and he brought up the surveillance of the gym. It showed Robin swinging on the trapeze with a big smile on his face.

"Did you forget that Master Dick's parents died too. If you can't find Richard Grayson at least give Dick a home. Give him a better life." Said Alfred, Batman looked at the footage amazed at what Robin was doing.

"Where did he learn to do that?"

Wally: HA! I'm still here! I'm not leaving till I get MY OWN chapter! I DESERVE THE SPOTLIGHT! *raises protest sign* GIVE WALLY A CHAPTER! GIVE WALLY A CHAPTER!

Birdflash: ChoicesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt