Chapter 6

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Okay, before the chapter starts I wanna try writing in 3rd person pov and not in the characters.

If I don't like it then I'll go back to the characters pov instead, but enjoy!

"Here's what we know about Richard Grayson so far, him and his family were part of Haley's traveling Circus, they were called 'The Flying Graysons'. So he obviously knows acrobatics and trapeze. He's also romanian. And the night his parents died he was 8 meaning right now he would be 14, and thanks to you we know he has blue eyes. By the way, how old are you?"

"14, what's trapeze?" The 14 year old asked, obviously knowing but still wanted to ask.

"Hmm he's around your age. Well, in the circus there's usually an act that involves a bar held together by two wires, and the acrobats swing on the bar and perform tricks. That's trapeze." Batman replied still looking at the big screen in front of him.

"After the night Richard's parents' died I checked for anything that'll help with his whereabouts, but sadly found nothing. I couldn't even find any footprints, it was like he didn't want to be found. So our first stop is where Haley's Circus was that night. We'll check the forest to for any clues."

"Okay that's all good, expect one thing, how are we going to get there! Cause in case you didn't know, I can't fly! My hero may be 'Robin' but that doesn't mean I can fly! Not unless you can, cause you're 'Batman' if you can that would be so cool! But how would you fly-"


Batman then pushed a button on the Bat-computer and then turned back to face me, "Turn around." The Dark Knight said, even with his cowl on Robin could tell he was smirking.

When Robin turned around he saw an object coming towards them very fast, like super fast. It was a car! The car was slick black with tinted windows and two bat-like wings at the end of it. It wasn't like any other regular car. The 14 year old was actually speechless.

"Amazing huh? Well, let's go we have a case to solve." Batman said running to the batmobile and hoping in, along with Robin but he hopped in the passenger side.

As Batman drove off to to where Haley's Circus was, the night his parents died, Robin was dreading to go there, to revisit that place. But he knew that he had to. He wanted to mess with Batman for a while, then tell him he's actually Richard Grayson. It's not like anything bad well happened.

Man do I miss doing trapeze, I actually felt free... like I could do anything. I always loved performing too, the crowds cheering for you with their big smile as they watch you do what you love. Robin thought as Batman was driving at full speed to where Haley's circus was 6 years ago.

He was pretty confused why they were going there, it's not like he has a better chance of finding clues then the so called "Worlds Greatest Detective". If Batman couldn't find anything what makes him think that Robin will.

After a few more minutes Batman stopped the Batmobile. "We're here." After those words were spoken Robin quickly had knots in his stomach.

Sorry if it's short :( I didn't know what else to write. But the next chapter will hopefully be long.

So what did you guys think of the 3rd person pov writing? Should i try doing this more, tbh I kinda like it, but I did get confused on it lol. But overall I liked it.

Till next time! Love you guys!

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