Chapter 7

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I'm debating if I should just finish this book in 3rd person pov or just go back to the way I was doing it before. But I'll let you guys know.

"Now Robin, lets try to look for anything out of the usual. Richard's footprints are probably long gone now, but look." Said the Dark Knight as him and Robin both hopped out of the batmobile.

Robin nodded his head as he was still looking around. They were in a clearing of a forest, there were big trees all around them, with a slight breeze making them move a bit. The ebony was still amazed with the scenery, even Batman noticed.

"Lets start looking, you take that side and I'll take this side." Batman said while pointing to different directions on where he wants them to look. Robin simply nodded his head and he went to look for anything, though he doubts they'll find anything since it happened 6 years ago. But he didn't want to crush Batman's dreams.


During Robins search he felt like something was off. Like he was being watched.

He thought it was all just in his head, no one was there. If someone was there it would most likely be Batman. The ebony then went back to searching for anything.

"I hope you got the information." Said a voice, a voice Robin knew all too well.

Uh I know this chapter is shorter than the last one and I'm really sorry :( I felt like that's a good place to stop, like a cliffhanger, ya know? That and I just didn't know what else to write and I really do feel this a good ending.

But anyways hope you're all doing well and are safe! And next chapter I promise will be long! Till next time! Love you guys!

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