Chapter 5

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Dick's pov
"How about this one?" Batman asked holding up another costume, he wants me to dress up like him so we can go out and find clues about Richard Grayson.

The costume Batman showed me was okay, expect for one thing, the short shorts! I'm not going out in public like that!

"No, it's too... revealing. Got anymore?" I asked Batman and he was looking through the closet trying to find a costume I liked.

"This is the last one, if you don't like that you can always wear the short shorts." Batman said while holding the short shorts up, I heard a little chuckle from him, he can actually be happy.

Batman held up the last costume for me and I loved it! It had a red vest, a yellow utility belt, black leggings, black boots and gloves. It had protective body armor too! It also had a yellow stylized "R" symbol in a black circle. And a cape that was black on the outside and pale yellow on the inside.

"That's the one! Can I try it on?" I asked and Bruce nodded  his head and gave me the costume and I went to the room where Batman is letting sleep try it on. I was still going to keep my sunglasses on of course, he's not ready for my good looks.

"Are you ready to witness the most amazing costume ever!" I yelled after I got into it, I could see Batman rolling his eyes thinking what did he get himself into to.

I opened the door of the room, then did some front flips and landed gracefully. I still got it!

"I didn't know you could do that!"

"Oh... yeah I can, anyways what do you think about this one!" I said getting back to subject, not wanting Batman to ask me more about how I learned to do that.

"Perfect, expect the glasses." He then went to another room and returned with a black mask.

"Here, try this."

I turned away and closed my eyes and took my sunglasses off and put the mask on. The mask felt a bit too big on me but I was fine with it. Batman has a smirk on his face.

"Now what is going to be your name? You can't use your real name."

I thought for awhile, till I remembered what my mother use to call me, Robin.

"Robin. My name is Robin."

"Looks like you chose the right costume then." He said gesturing to the "R" symbol, I forget that was there but it fits.

"Come on, I'm taking you to meet some people. Since you're going to help me find Richard Grayson, I want you to join a team." Batman said walking to the tube we came from earlier.

"This is a zeta tube. It can take you to another zeta tube far from here. Let me just add you on here..." Batman started typing on the panel that connects to the zeta tube.

After he finished typing he gestured towards the zeta tube, I walked through it like I was nothing. And next thing I knew I was in another cave, but this one was different. And I heard a loud voice say "Recognized, Robin-B01".

There were a lot of new faces in front of me, but I recognized one red head in particular, Wally aka Kidflash.

Kidflash's pov
We were getting another member to our team, so far we have me, Aqualad, Miss Martian and Superboy, after we helped him. For some reason the boy looked familiar.

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