The Begining Of The End

Start from the beginning

 "Come out, come out wherever you are." Dean said quietly still smiling, as he sniffed the air looking for them. "Aha, there you are." He added standing, as he picked up their scent.

 He stood with his back to the Vamps; Dean waited smiling, his fingers twitching around his machetes, the anticipation getting to him. He never moved or spoke, as the Vamps came out from their hiding place and stood behind him together. They smiled at each other, thinking that they had the upper hand on him.

 "Hello, brother." One of the Vamps said smirking.

 "Hello, brothers." Dean replied smiling, as he turned around to face them.

 "What's with the machetes, Deano?"

 "Oh, you mean these?" Dean asked smiling, as he held them up, the Vamp nodded. "These are just"

 "Security? What's the matter, Deano, are you afraid of us?"

 "Scared of you three?" Dean asked, the Vamp nodded again. "Nope, not even a little."

 "Then what's with the machetes?"

 Instead of saying anything in response, still smiling Dean threw both of his machetes away.

 "Like I said, I don't need them." Dean said smiling. "Now, unlike you, Reed, I'm not afraid and came alone...unarmed." He added, as he held his hands up.

 "I' am not afraid of you, Dean." Reed said bitterly.

 "Then why bring West and Grayson?" Dean pointed out smiling, as he crossed his arms.

 "They aren't here by my choice; Vassago ordered them to come with me. I don't need them to finish you." Reed replied with disgust.

 "Prove it." Dean said smiling.


 "Did I stutter?" Dean said still smiling. "I said prove it. You and me fight it out; show me you're not afraid of me."

 Reed wasted no time in charging at Dean, wanting to give him a sense of false strength, Dean let Reed connect with him. Suddenly, the other two Vamps tried to join in the fight, but Reed angrily stopped them. The fight continued with Dean still playing possum, letting Reed believe he could beat him. Reed punched Dean in the face knocking him to the ground onto his knees; he then punched Dean again knocking him onto his stomach. Smiling, Reed then kicked him in the ribs knocking him onto his back.

 "This is the all-powerful Chosen One?" Reed mocked smiling, as he crouched beside him. "Look at him boys, this is our Chosen One." He added, as all three laughed. "I'm going to do what no one else has done before...kill the Chosen One."

 Still smiling, Reed stood up and went to kick Dean again, but before his foot could connect, Dean grabbed it and knocked him to the ground on his back. He then put a hand under Reed's knee and using his other hand he grabbed Reed's lower leg and quickly snapped his leg upwards breaking it at the knee. He then rolled on top of Reed and began beating him up, realizing what was happening, West and Grayson rushed to help. Without even looking away from Reed, Dean held up one hand and flicked his wrist causing the two Vamps to fly backward. He then used his other hand to summon his machetes to him, once they were in his hand he smiled, as he spoke.

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