_chapter 1_

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"Theresa!  "Theresa ,

I could here my name from downstairs .I turned to my alarm clock and the time was 7:00, I quickly took the toothpaste and my brush and had a quick drill ."Theresa ".said by my mom from the kitchen .

I answered coming mum about to go take my bath .she replied better take that bath fast breakfast is almost ready ,I groan in the shower and replied ok mum.

I quickly took my bath and got dressed in my floral gown with purple polka dots on and my new flat shoe with a pink bow on top and had a quick makeup .and I rushed downstairs .

I walked up to my mum and gave her a quick hug .and she replied that's my" Tess "

i blushed and she said are you ready for campus I replied I am ready for anything mum .and she then gave me a quick peck and said dad is waiting outside hurry up with your breakfast and let's go ,time waits for no one .I smirk and eat  my breakfast.

I gulp down my milk and clear my plates of to kitchen when I receive a text from my bestie Jessica I picked my phone , excitedly beacuse I was finally going to campus and I prayed she will be my roommate


Hope u are ready bestie

ready whenever you are bae. .

lol see you in campus . .

Yh okay see u soon

We end the chat and  I quickly keep my phone and hurried of to my dad's car and I was staring at the building and clouds my mum suddenly felt me being nervous and so she said Tess dearie be a good girl there is nothing to be nervous about.

I smiled and then we continued going and after a while we stopped at a big complex building painted cream it was very elegant ...and so my dad came down and started talking to the gentleman at the gate about my registration.

I felt cold inside like it was raining,And so my mum said I should come down to unpack and go to my hostel.

The executive building which was fine on the outside but nothing less on the inside .

  With bunch of lousy students chanting away gossip and chuckles from every corner.

I shivered in disgust for the sight of gutters around some classes and from the stench of the improper toilet facility.

I carry my luggage ahead of me and head to look for room 26 which was my new hostel room,when I get pushed my a mysterious but annoying individual .

'Hey watch were you are going to ,did you have something to drink this morning" I say with the little patience I had left in my body.

"Am so sorry I didn't notice you, says the obnoxious individual.

"Keep your sorry ma, I say trying to arrange  out my already yet exposed box full of my panties and clothes .

Before I could notice ,bunch  of chuckles and laughs had spread like wild fire all through the building.

I quicky pack up my belongings and head to the so called room 26 .

I finally find the room , which was nothing less than the other room but , proper in a clean manner .

I make a big knock on the door when I sight four young but attractive girls, they all stare at me in disgust for my taste of outfit and my no good plain figure.

Author note :- thanks to all readers of this book ,I'll really appreciate because this is my first book ongoing.
So pls click that vote button and enjoy.

Much love
   .......    Jessy-sparkle


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