Chapter Five - That's A Wrap

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~* Chapter Five *~

"Sorry, girls," Asher said, with a heart-stopping grin, addressing the fans, "Rosie and I have to go talk to Drew. Very important stuff to discuss. Don't worry, he'll be all yours when you get to his dressing room to meet him later."

I just stood there with my mouth opening and closing like a fish. How does he know my name? Oh my god, Asher Siebel knows my name! No, let's remember what you think when crazy fans fawn over what they're doing right now. And let's remember how even with that, Drew's just a normal person. Asher probably is too. Maybe. Just chill out.

"Isn't that right, Rose?" I whipped my head in his direction, my attention returning to what was going on in the real world and not just in my head. Nobody's ever called me Rose. I like it. With that soft, shiny, dark hair, tall and lean, but muscular build, flawless complexion, slightly boyish face, and a killer smile, Asher Siebel could call me whatever the hell he wanted and I'd probably like it. And if he sang it to me, it'd all be over.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Really important. Time sensitive." I agreed, nodding my head emphatically. Way to go Rosie. Asher flashed them his million-watt smile yet again, and rested his hand on the small of my back before leading me into the door he had just emerged from. I swear I could've melted into a puddle right then and there. Like holy god, the most beautiful and talented man in the history of freaking ever just touched me. Holy god. I completely sunk into his touch too, relaxing as his hand rested on my back. There was something very nice, very comforting about it.

"I'm so sorry about your head. Are you okay?" Asher asked, peering down at my face. I stared at him blankly for a minute before my brain registered what he'd said. Right, head. I lifted my hand back up to the back of my head, having completely forgotten about it. I winced slightly at my own touch. Ouch.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll just put a little ice on it later." I replied, shrugging. He nodded in return, though still looked a little guilty.

"I'm Asher, by the way." He said, holding out his hand. I just stared at him for a second, swallowing air before I cleared my throat and answered him.

"I know who you are." I teased as we shook hands. "Rosie. It's nice to meet you."

"You too, Rosie." He replied, making my stomach hop like a jack rabbit at the sound of my name coming out of his mouth. As I looked around, I discovered that the sign on the door we had gone through led to the stairs. Asher allowed me to start going down the stairs first, then followed.

"Hey...Asher?" I asked timidly. I didn't want to be annoying, but I wasn't sure where he was taking me.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked from close behind me.

"Where are we going?"

"To the floor the dressing rooms are on. Drew's up there and he said he wanted to talk to you. You're mom was a little...on edge and was going on about how Drew needed to talk to you, so I said I'd go find you." He replied like it was nothing. I can't believe that Asher Siebel volunteered to come look for me so Drew could talk to me.

"Oh." I said like an idiot. I mean, seriously? Oh? I couldn't think of anything better to say? We continued down the stairs for another two flights before I spoke again. "Thanks, by the way. For back there, I mean. And sorry about my mom. She kinda gets like that."

"Don't worry about it. Crazy fan-girls are no fun." He chuckled, our footsteps echoing in the stairwell. I wonder what he'd think if he knew the things going on in my head, because I'm fangirling pretty hard over him right about now.

"Yeah, no kidding." I responded with a smile. I can totally relate, though, given how much I've had to deal with Drew's growing fan base. But wait, I've totally been fangirling over him...he doesn't need to know that.

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