Chapter Ten - Why Didn't Hitler Drink Tequila?

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~* Chapter Ten *~

I nearly skipped out to go meet Asher. You could say I was a little excited for whatever we were going to do. When I opened the door I found Asher leaning against the opposite wall. Upon hearing me, he smiled and pushed off of it to come walk next to me.

"Hi." He said, his hands in his pockets as we walked along. I hoped he knew where we were going because we were walking way too fast for me to be able to figure out what the signs on the doors said. Then again, we could've been standing still and that still might've been too fast for me to read them.

"Hello." I replied with a smile. I looked at what he was wearing and shook my head slightly. He was wearing a light grey henley with two buttons undone at the top and a pair of jeans with a pair of grey Vans. It was so simple but he looked so good. The way his hair was messy and he wasn't putting on an act for anyone like he sometimes did meeting fans and in public was the biggest turn on.

He was even wearing glasses, which I'd never seen before. They suited him well though and also happened to be pretty cute. I knew I was hanging out with cool, relaxed, carefree Asher today, not the serious guy most people know him as. "How are you?"

"I'm absolutely dandy. Yourself?" He replied, quirking his eyebrows at me in a cute and geeky gesture. I smiled at him.

"If you're dandy than I'm peachy keen." I quipped back, mirroring his expression back at him. He chuckled.

"You look beautiful, by the way." He said a few steps later. I was surprised at his comment, seeing as I can't remember the last time someone said I was beautiful when I wasn't sleeping with them. Then I looked down at my outfit and I was even more surprised. I was wearing a pair of really light washed skinny jeans and a red and navy blue plaid shirt over a white tank with grey Vans that matched Asher's. I wasn't looking like anything terribly special today.

"Thank you. You look ruggedly handsome." I said back, noticing that he even had a little bit of stubble growing along his jaw like he hadn't shaved this morning. Usually that wasn't a look I liked, but on him it totally worked.

"Do I get the rugged part because I didn't feel like shaving this morning?" He asked, glancing over at me. I laughed a little and smiled.

"That would be where that came from, yes." I agreed. I ran my hand over his cheek where it was a little rough with a teasing expression. "It's kinda cute."

"I'll remember that." He replied, flashing me a cheeky grin. We walked a little farther before I finally remembered that I didn't know where we were going. All I knew is that we were headed in what I think was the direction of the parking lot.

"Hey, so where are we going?" I asked as he opened a door that did indeed lead outside. The venue we were at was pretty much right on the ocean so you can literally smell the sea salt in the air.

"I was in the mood for some dessert." He answered, a smirk coming across his face.

"Oh, I get it. You want to get your ass kicked again." I said with a 'duh' expression. He pretended to scowl at me.

"You're ahead by one point, damnit. And who knows, maybe I'll tie up the scoreboard today." He answered pretending to get all huffy with me. I rolled my eyes as he led me over to a car. We both got in and he started driving in the direction of wherever Asher was taking me. We'd been driving for maybe five minutes when his phone dinged in the center console with a text.

"Hey, could you read that to me?" He asked, only glancing away from the road for a second. I froze up and my palms started to sweat. He wanted me to read his text message to him. Shit! I sat there without moving for a sec before I reached for his phone. "The code is 7456."

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