Chapter Eight - When You Lay A Brick...

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~* Chapter Eight *~

Not too much later we arrived at the party. I called shotgun because I wasn't planning on getting plastered, but if I knew my brother, he definitely would, and I was starting to get the feeling that at least two out of the other three boys would as well. If they were drunk I wanted to be as far away from them as possible, even if that was only in the front seat. As soon as we got in the car, Drew's blockbuster, song of the summer hit, Gotta Be You began playing through the speakers on the radio. I groaned and beat my forehead on the dash. Asher chuckled and Drew snickered smugly. He knew how sick of the song I was.

"Hey, Rosie, it's your favorite song." He taunted. I reached back and flipped him off without even turning around.

Luckily the car we were taking had GPS, so I didn't have to navigate. We drove and all chatted, agreeing to leave by 1:30. According the the GPS, our time of arrival was supposed to be 10:30, which gave us three hours. Drew and Jase were talking about how they were planning on banging at least two girls each (which we all know isn't going to happen) while Max and Aaron were going to do keg stands and other extreme things involving alcohol.

"You must be so proud of your brothers." I said, glancing away from the window to look at Asher. "Keg stands, beer pong, body shots, the works."

"Please, yours is making a bet with my other brother about how many girls he can bang." He scoffed, looking quickly at me then back at the road as he drove. I chuckled.

"Touche. So tell me, if you weren't the DD, which conversation would you be a part of?" I asked curiously, now turning in my seat so I was mostly facing him.

"Neither. I for one feel like the ultimate douchebag for having casual sex, so as a rule I don't do it, and I'm also not a huge fan of giant hangovers." Asher replied, flashing me a quick grin. "I'm more of the 'too busy dancing to do anything else,' type. Give me a couple beers, set me on the dance floor, and I'm a happy man."

"Huh, save a dance for me then?" I asked smiling. I like to dance at parties too. It's easiest to stay out of trouble that way.

"It would be my pleasure." He replied, smiling back at me. "Okay, I have a new joke for you."

"Hit me." I replied, feeling a little giddy. I guess bad jokes are our thing now. Oh my god, Asher Siebel and I have a thing.

"Since you and your brother are from LA and you're in college up north, I thought you'd appreciate this. How many Northern Californians does it take to screw in a light bulb?" He asked, a twinkle in his eyes.

"How many?" I asked back with a raised eyebrow.

"Hella." I started laughing and shaking my head.

"Only Northern Californians. I'm telling you." I replied, making him smile like he was proud of himself. "Okay, uh, I've got one. It's a traffic joke. When you're driving through fog, what should you use?"


"Your steering wheel." I replied cheekily. He liked that one and started laughing.

"Good one. Alright, who has the right of way when four cars approach a four-way stop sign at the same time?"


"The pickup truck with the gun rack and bumper sign saying 'Guns don't kill people, I do.'" He replied, waiting to see my reaction. I chuckled shamelessly.

"Ouch. Nice one. If you want an offensive one, I've got a dumb blonde joke for you. What does a blonde do if she isn't in bed by 10:00?"

"I don't know Rosie, what does she do?" He asked in a cheesy game show host voice.

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