Love and Hate

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—————-Lloyd's POV (Paris)—————-

Zane, y/n, Ladybug and I all fight Miraculer and this mysterious peacock lady that appeared a few minutes ago. Chat keeps trying to help, but we're making him stay put. Chloe doesn't stop yelling at Zane to give her the bee miraculous, but we've just ignored her. Although, it's starting to get on everyone's nerves.

I know that these miraculouses are supposed to make us superheroes, but I don't really see the point in using the powers they grant us when the three of us are trained ninja. I mean... we can't use the abilities anyway, since Miraculer stole each of our powers about five minutes ago, but still.

The peacock lady comes at me with a flying kick, so I do spinjitsu as a counter attack. I smirk; judging by her stunned expression, she's obviously not accustomed to seeing people turn into tornadoes.

Eventually, we manage to get Miraculer restrained. I've got her right arm, y/n's got her left, and Zane's holding her around the waist. I reach for the weapon in her hand, but Miraculer yells "shelter" and a green forced field appears around it. I'm assuming that's the power she took from me; I never got to use it, so I'm not entirely sure.

Her hand is still bubbling with black particles—she said "cataclysm" earlier—so y/n and I try to push her two hands together to break the force field. The akuma must have given her super strength, because she resists both of us.

"The more of you there are, the dumber you get!" Miraculer mocks.

"That is not accurate," Zane replies. "A group cannot become less intelligent when members are added. Unless, of course, you're considering the individuals' average IQ, which, in that case—"

"Save it for later, Zane!" I say.

"I think now would be a good time to use your lucky charm, M'lady," Chat suggests. He's lying on the ground with his face pressed into the floor. Poor guy.

Ladybug, being the only one of us left with powers, raises her hand to the sky. "Lucky charm!"

I watch in confusion as a red pillow with black spots appears out of thin air and floats down into Ladybug's hands.

"What am I supposed to do with this, take a nap?!" she exclaims.

"Um, well, it's obvious, isn't it?" Chloe says, sitting on a chair, a nail file in hand. "You tickle her."

I raise an eyebrow, but Ladybug seems to think it's a good idea. She rips the pillow open, grabs a singular feather—pretty wasteful, honestly—then goes to tickle Miraculer's armpit.

The villain laughs, then uses the power she took from me to make a shield where Ladybug is tickling her. Unfortunately for Miraculer, that means the shield around her weapon has to disappear.

I waste no time grabbing the stick and handing it to Ladybug, who breaks it, and captures the butterfly hiding inside it. She then uses her yo-yo (a ridiculous weapon, if you ask me) to change its dark purplish hue to plain white.

Miraculer transforms back into her regular self, so we let go of her. The girl--Sabrina--sinks to her knees, and looks up at all of us with a confused expression. 

"What happened?" she asks. 

"You let yourself get akumatized, that's what happened!" Chloe shrieks. "Argh, I can't believe this! I'm supposed to be Queen Bee, not this loser!"

Zane puts his hands on his hips sassily "Well, uh, excuse me--"

He's interrupted by y/n's necklace, which starts beeping rapidly. Her supersuit dissolves, leaving her looking just as she did before. She looks at me, then shrugs, but the action causes her hand to brush against her makeshift belt--the one that's holding Nadakhan's lamp in place. The ties come loose, and the lamp skids across the floor into Chloe's foot. 

"What's this, a watering can?" she asks in that snobby tone of hers as she picks it up. She sees her reflection in the metal, but then rubs off a speck of dirt. Nadakhan appears behind her in a puff of smoke, but Chloe doesn't seem to notice. 

"The three of you have done nothing but cause trouble," she accuses. "You're all ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! I wish you had never come to Paris."

"Oh... sh*t," I mumble. The next thing I know, we're back in Ninjago City.

------------------------Other y/n's POV-----------------

"Son?" Garmadon questions.

I hold Lloyd close to me, dreading what Garmadon's about to do. Is he going to shoot us? Stomp on us? Pick us up and throw us into a volcano? 

But he doesn't do any of the things I imagined. His mech suddenly powers off, and he jumps down onto the pavement. 

"All this time... I was planning to destroy my own kid?"

I make eye contact with him for a second. I expect to see hatred, anger, or some other evil expression, but all I see is... regret?

"Oh, son," he wails, falling to his knees in front of us. "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry."

He takes off his helmet and holds a hand to his chest. "I didn't mean for it to come to this..."

"He's not dead, you imbecile!" I say impatiently. "Call an ambulance or something!"

Garmadon does as he's told, and fumbles to open his phone. As he's dialing 911, Lloyd stirs. 

"Y/n?" he mumbles, his eyelashes fluttering halfway open.  

"I'm here," I whisper. 

He looks up at me with a dazed expression. "Your eyes are pretty..."

I smile slightly. He's talking--that's a good sign, right?

Lloyd slowly reaches his hand up to touch my face. He leaves his fingers there for a moment, then he becomes too tired to keep his own arm up, so he lowers it.

"Are you an angel?" he whispers. 

I breathe a quiet laugh. "No, I'm y/n."

"Same thing," he sighs, drifting back to sleep. 

I shake him gently to keep him awake, but it's no use. It doesn't' take long for the paramedics to get here, and once they do, they take Lloyd into the ambulance. News reporters appear out of nowhere to document the event; the identity of the Green Ninja has finally be revealed. 

The paramedics ask if I want to go to the hospital with Lloyd. I nod, and they direct me to the ambulance. I climb in through the back of the vehicle, and sit with my elbows folded over the stretcher Lloyd's resting on. I stare at his beat-up face, wishing I could take all of his pain away. 

He reaches for my hand, and our fingers intertwine. I can only think about one thing for the rest of the ride to the hospital: I think I'm falling in love. 


I meant to post this earlier, but life got in the way.

 I hope everyone is doing well! 

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