Holding Out For a Hero

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*breaks out in song* I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night! eh's gotta be strong, he's gotta be fast, and he's gotta be fresh from the fight!

I'm sorry I'll shut up now. 

————Zane's POV (Paris)————-

"Can I trust you?" Ladybug asks.

Lloyd, y/n and I all nod.

"Good. These boxes contain miraculouses, which will give you the ability to transform into a superhero. When the task is complete, you will return your miraculous to me."

We nod again. I watch as Lloyd opens his box, and to my uttermost surprise, a miniature turtle flies out of it.

"My name is Wayzz," the turtle says. "To transform, say 'Wayzz, shell on!'"

"Uh, okay. Wayzz, shell on!" Lloyd says, and in a few seconds, he becomes a superhero.

"Trixx, let's pounce!" Y/n says as soon as a mini fox flies out of her box.

"How did you know the transformation cue?" Chat asks.

"I—uh—lucky guess?"

I finally turn to my own box. I open the lid, and a very large bumblebee appears in front of me.

"Hello! My name is Pollen. To transform, say 'Pollen, buzz on!'"

"Pollen, buzz on?" I repeat questioningly. Before I have time to react, light flashes before my eyes, and my clothing turns into a black-and-yellow super suit.

Y/n giggles. "You look like Queen Bee!"

I pretend to do a hair flip. "Is this an appropriate time to say 'yas queen?'"

Y/n falls onto the ground laughing.

Ladybug stares at y/n with an exasperated expression. "I'm starting to have doubts about this plan..."

——————Lloyd's POV (Ninjago City)—————-

"Come on guys, let's go!" I urge the rest of the team, trying to get them out of bed. Everyone decided to stay the night at headquarters because of the battle yesterday.

"Argh, let me sleep," Cole complains.

"Guys! Garmadon's attacking again!"

"So? If it matters so much to you, go deal with him yourself," Kai says, throwing a pillow at me.

"I know you're all mad at me, but I can't do this alone."

"What's going on?" Nya asks as she staggers into the room sleepily. She doesn't share a room with the rest of us.

"There's another attack on the city," I say. "Come on, let's go! Get your gear on!"

Nobody moves.

"Okay, fine. If you really don't care about saving our home, then stay in bed. I can't force you."

I huff and leave the room, then I go knock on Sensei's door.

"What is it?" he yawns.

"Wake up! The city's in danger!"

The door flies open.

"Why didn't you say so?"

"Um, Sensei? You're forgetting something."

The old man looks down at himself, and realizes he's not wearing any pants.

"Oh, hehe, whoops. I'll be right back."

I don't wait for him to get dressed before rushing out of headquarters. I don't have a mech, but that doesn't matter. I have to fight, regardless of the weapons available to me.

I head out into the street and run straight towards Garmadon. He's got a new mech, and his army is swarming the streets. I see him point his mech's fist at a family, and I immediately try to intervene.

"Hey! Garmadon!" I shout. I don't have time to step between him and the family, but hopefully I can draw him away.

"Green Ninja! I was beginning to think you weren't coming today," he bellows. "What took you so long?"

I ignore him and start climbing the fire escape of a building. I barely make it to the roof before Garmadon squashes the staircase into a flat piece of metal.

"Huh, that's peculiar... where are the rest of the ninja?" Garmadon wonders. "Are they late to the party, or did they decide not to show up at all?"

"They'll be here!" I assure him, anger rising in my tone. But to be honest, I think I'm gonna have to fight this battle on my own.

————————-y/n's POV (Ninjago City)—————-

I watch with a heavy heart as Lloyd rushes out into the chaotic streets. I clutch at my chest—why do I feel this way? Why is his safety so important to me?

"Okay, I'm ready!!"

I turn to see the only man I met a while ago—I think the ninja call him Sensei?—sprinting Naruto-style through the hallway and then out the door. I stare at him as he runs towards Lloyd, likely planning on joining him in the fight.

Garmadon gets ready to shoot at Lloyd, but Sensei gets there just in time to block the blast with some kind of magical shield. My eyes widen as Sensei suddenly turns into a golden tornado and advances towards his opponent.

Sensei keeps Garmadon distracted while Lloyd jumps down from the building and attempts to climb up the mech. He doesn't get very far before Garmadon notices.

"Not so fast, Green Ninja," Garmadon's voice echoes through the city. "You can't fool me that easily."

Lloyd struggles as Garmadon picks him up with his mech's forefinger and thumb, then throws him into a building a few blocks away. I can hear Lloyd's cry of anguish once his back hits the bricks.

Anger bubbles inside me. Before I have to to think it through, I rush out from the safety of the ninja's base and head towards Garmadon, who's currently stomping over to Lloyd. The fight is at least a kilometre away, but I run as fast as I can.

"Don't you dare hurt him," I mutter under my breath. "He doesn't deserve any of this."


Sorry this is kind of a short chapter. I'm trying to push through this writer's block. I hope it was at least half decent...

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