Bad Dreams

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N/n's POV

Lloyd takes a deep breath and pushes himself out of the hammock. I worriedly hop down and keep my arms ready just in case he falls, but he refuses my aid. Instead, he takes my hand and leads me through the streets.

"Are you sure you should be walking?" I ask. "I don't want you to injure yourself any more."

"I'll be fine," he insists, and picks up the pace. "I heal pretty fast."

Soon enough, we reach the ninja's base. It looks exactly the same as when I visited it a few days ago, except the mechs aren't in here. I guess they got destroyed during the last battle with Garmadon.

"So, where's this couch you speak of?" I ask playfully.

Lloyd points at the room on the other side of the small kitchen. "The living room's just through there. We have some blankets stored in the basket beside the TV—take as many as you want."

"Thank you," I say, my heart fluttering with gratitude. "You don't know how much this means to me."

"It's the least I can do," he says with a shrug. "I only wish I could offer you more—like an actual bed, maybe."

"This is plenty," I assure him. I bite my lip as I notice Lloyd isn't putting pressure on one of his feet. "Are you sure you're okay? I feel like I should bring you to the hospital."

He shakes his head. "If a doctor asks what happened, how am I going to explain without giving anything away?"

"Fair enough," I sigh. "Come and get me if you need anything, 'kay?"

"You're supposed to be my guest," he laughs. "You come get me if you need anything."

I smile. "Alright. Well, goodnight, then."


I head to the living room as Lloyd goes the opposite direction, likely to where he and his teammates sleep when they need to stay here overnight. I find the basket of blankets beside the stand the TV is resting on, so I choose the warmest one in there. I wrap myself up in it and flop onto the couch cushions, so grateful for a warm place to sleep.

———time skip (still n/n's POV)—————

I awake to a thump. It sounds like someone just ran into something. I pull the covers off of me, stand up off the couch, and slowly walk towards the sound.

I peer into the dimly lit room where all the mechs used to be kept, and see Lloyd hitting the wall with both his fists.

"No! No, please..." he mutters as he presses his hands into the wall.

"Lloyd?" I call softly. He doesn't respond.

A sob escapes his lips as he dropped to his knees. "Why?" He asks.

I approach him cautiously, realizing that he's sleepwalking, and this is just a nightmare. I see Lloyd start to fall backwards, so I run to him and catch him before his head hits the floor.

His eyes jerk open with a gasp. Fear is written all over his face.

"It's okay! You're okay," I assure him. "It was just a dream."

"I-I'm sorry, y-y/n," he stutters as he uses my arms to pull himself up to sitting. "I d-didn't mean t-to wake you up."

"You didn't," I lie. "Come on, let's get you back to bed."

He shakes his head. "No, I-I don't want to have another nightmare."

"Does this happen often?" I ask.

"A-almost every night."

I hug him, letting him know he's loved. Then I take his hand gently, and bring him over to the living room. I tell him to sit, then I go over to the small bookshelf in the corner of the room.

"What do you like to watch?" I ask as I search through the move cases. This kind of reminds me of that day the two of us had detention and got sucked into my DVD player, but I shake the 'memory' off—that didn't actually happen, did it?

"I like basically everything," Lloyd says. "Just no action movies. Or sad ones."

"Really?!" I ask, surprised. "The Green Ninja doesn't like action movies?!"

He shrugs with a small smile. "I get enough excitement from battling Garmadon."

"Fair enough," I say, and pull out a DVD case from the shelf. "What about Frozen?"

Lloyd gives me an are you kidding me look. "Seriously?"

"Okay, fine. How about Harry Potter?" I suggest randomly. "That's a good series."

"I've never seen it."

"Excuuuuuse me? You've never seen any of the Harry Potter movies?"

He grins sheepishly. "Sorry?"

"We have to change that," I say, and start hunting for the first movie. "Ah ha! Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. You good with this?"

"Sure, just as long as we don't put it in that haunted DVD player of yours."

I freeze. "Wait, what?"

"Oh, um... I had a dream about that the other night, that's all."

I stare at him, the gears in my head turning. If he remembers that event occurring too, then did it actually happen?

"Lloyd... I don't think that was a dream."

——————-Montgomery's POV——————

I hand the magic lamp to Zane. "You haven't made any wishes yet, so I think it's safest that you do this."

"Alright, but what am I supposed to say?" Zane asks. "I don't want to mess this up."

"Don't worry; you've got this," l/n says. "Just state clearly where you want to go."

"Okay," Zane says, taking a deep breath and rubbing the lamp. "I wish for us to go to Paris."

"Wait, what?!" L/n and I shriek. This is not a part of the plan.

"Your wish is yours to keep," the troublemaking djinn says, and in a puff of smoke, we disappear from the alternate realm of Ninjago.

Right Realm, Wrong World (Book 4 of the Enchanted DVD Player tetralogy)Where stories live. Discover now