Sad Ending

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It has been been a few months now since the battle and since the U.A of class 1A left to go back to their own school. Ever since going to Wellston everyone changed especially for some of the students.

Seraphina, Remi, Elaine, Uraraka and Momo became best friends along with the other girls as well. Seraphina, Elaine, Uraraka and Momo talk to each other or text about the boys and how they are doing.

Ever since returning from that final battle and waking up from that coma the boys were in, they seem fine expect for their injuries that they got.

Everyone was happy for their return especially the four girls, they thought they would be able to talk to the boys and be happy with them but they were wrong...

John, Arlo, Midoriya and Todoroki seems to have lost some memories of the ones that are important to them while Bakugou and Kirishima don't have any memory lost.

Ever since finding out the boys will never remember the girls, they felt broken and alone. Their friends would help them out so they can get alone time with the girls.

But no matter what everyone tries to do it won't work, the boys don't remember or seems to be interested in the girls anymore.

At U.A

Midoriya was walking and Talking with Todoroki and Iida "Has any of those memories return or bits of them?" Iida asked his two friends as they shook their heads.

"No, but you all seem so egar for us remember?" Todoroki asked Iida as he gulped "Yeah Iida why can't you guys just tell us what were forgetting?" Midoriya asked Iida.

Iida wondered what he should tell his two friends and right at that moment two girls bumped into them who were Uraraka and Momo "I need to go now!" with that Iida fled.

The two boys looked at the direction their friend ran at and then they looked back at the two girls. The girls adverted their eyes away from the two boys "Hello." They all greeted each other at the same time.

After the greeting it became quiet "Can you guys tell us what exactly were forgetting?" Midoriya asked the two girls as they flinched "Yeah everyone keeps asking if we remember anything." Todoroki says calmly.

Uraraka thought to herself 'Isn't it obvious of what your forgetting Deku...its me...' She forced a smile "I'm sorry Midoriya but I don't know...' Uraraka lies to him as Midoriya nodded "It's alright."

Momo looked at Todoroki as he waited for her response 'Todoroki...what your forgetting is not something but me...its pretty...obvious..' Momo thought to herself "I'm sorry but I don't know either..." She lied as she also forces a smile.

Todoroki nodded as he turned to Midoriya "Let's ask Mr.Aizawa and All Might again." He told his green haired friend as Midoriya nodded and they were about to leave until the girls grabbed their wrist.

Both boys looked at them "Is something wrong Uraraka-san?" Midoriya asked her as she had tears streaming down her cheeks "'s me that you forgotten about..." Uraraka told him.

Todoroki stared at Momo "Yaoyorozu?" He said her name as he notice that she was in tears "Todoroki...the thing your forgetting is a's me..." Momo told him.

They were surprised to know what they forgot "Deku, we loved each other and you allowed me to call you Deku." Uraraka cried to Midoriya. "Todoroki we also have feeling for each other." Momo cried as well.

"You guys were suppose to tell us your feelings property once you guys came back..." Momo told them "But you guys came back in a coma and when you woke up you forgotten us..." Uraraka tells them.

The girls were still in tears, the boys looked at each other then back to the girls "I'm sorry even if you say that...our feelings for you are gone." Midoriya told the girls.

Todoroki nodded "Yes, if we loved you before our mission then they are gone now. We rather be friends and classmates, sorry but we need to go." Todoroki told them as he and Midoriya left. Both girls fell to their knees as more tears streamed down, they lost the boys that they love...

To Wellston

Elaine and Seraphina were walking together while talking to each other, they stopped by as two people bumped into the girls "Hey watch were your-"

In front of then were Arlo and John, they looked at each other as the girls planned to leave right away "Wait." Arlo basically ordered them.

Seraphina turned to him "I do not need to listen to you at all, but I'll listen." She tells him as he nodded "You girls seem to be avoiding us, does that mean you know what we are forgetting?" John asked them.

The girls looked away "I tried asking Isen and the others but they would tell me the same thing 'Try talking to them.' Isen told me." Arlo spoke up.

Both boys looked at the girls, the girls know that they to tell them the truth. They took a deep breath "Its us your forgetting about." Elaine told the boys as they looked surprised.

"It's true, you see John. We are best friends and we also love each other, you were supposed to confess to me property after your mission but you forgot about me." Seraphina told John sadly.

Elaine looked at Arlo sadly "We were friends, I always loved you and I found out you had feelings for me on the night you were going to leave. You told me that you would confess to me property after the mission."

Both the boys looked at the girls as they had a few tears streaming down their cheeks "Sorry but I don't remember any of that and I don't have any feeling for you." Arlo told Elaine as that broke her.

John shook his head "Sorry Seraphine, I also don't remember or feel any of those feelings. But I do hope we can become best friends again." John told her as she felt broken.

Both the boys looked at they girls who are in tears "We hope you girls who can find new boys to love." John told them as him and Arlo walked away from the girls.

Elaine and Seraphina fell to their knees as more tears streamed down their cheeks...they now knew that the boys will never remember their feeling for them...they were gone...


U.A Goes To Wellston(Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now