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Isen Pov

*Coughs* I was coughing blood out right now as I was on my knees, I looked up at the one person that was able to take us out. "Who the hell are you...?" I asked him as he grin.

He was looking at me still not saying a word at all, I was breathing heavily "Someone that is beyond your level, I'm a member of EMBER." He tells me.

I look to see that he took down everyone in Team B "Even Blyke is down..." I whispered I closed my eyes and opened them with my eyes glowing.

I stood up not giving up "I won't give up for the sake of this mission!" I shouted as I was about to attack him.

Suddenly he disappeared in the blink of an eye as my eyes widen "W-watch out..." the girl known as Jiro tells me badly hurt as I moved out of the way. "Take this!" She plug her ear jacks into her boots as sound waves hit the guy.

I took that chance as I punched him in the face "Urgh!!! You little brat!" The man said as he punched me in the gut hard as I coughed more blood out of my mouth.

"Your gonna die here and now." His strength is so strong maybe stronger then Arlo and Seraphina. No he's probably on John's level maybe higher.

He hits me from the back of my head making me hit the ground hard as my eyes widen in shock, do we even stand a chance against them at all...

Hagakure Pov

I saw that everyone was hurt and on the the ground, the only one that was fighting was Isen...I'm suppose to be a hero, that helps and defeats the Villains! I won't let him fight alone cause I am a UA student!

I took my gloves and shoes off as I ran towards the guy that attacked us out of nowhere. Good thing my quirk makes me invisible, I lifted my fist up and punched the guy in the face as he was shocked.

He looked around "Who fucking did that!" He shouted as he looked at my friends and the Wellston students. "I did! I won't let you hurt them any further!" I shouted at him.

The guy glared as he was looking around and Isen tried to stand up but failed. I punched and kicked the guy hard as he tried to find me, as I was about to hit him again he stopped my punch.

My eyes widen "H-how."I asked as I saw him grin at me "Took me quite sometime but I managed to see where you attack me." He told me as I was shocked.

He was about to hit me that is until two beams hit him one on the arm that was close to hitting my arm as well, the other on the leg that somehow wasn't that close to hitting me.

The guys eyes widen as he let me go and fell on his knees, he looked up to see us starting to get up "We won't lose to you jerk!" Blyke yells at him bleeding and hurt. "The same goes for us as well." Aoyama said also hurt badly.

We were all hurt "We will not give up without a fight at all." Shoji says as Koda nodded, we all agreed as we were getting ready to fight again "So be it, you all can die here and now." He told us with a look that kinda scared us.

Aoyama shots his Naval laser at the man as Blyke shot his beams at the same time. "Let's take him down!" Blyke shouted. "I won't lose to a bunch of kids!"

Jiro used her sound waves as Koda called for crowd to attack. Shoji and Isen both went in for a punch now, I helped them out.

I won't be afraid! I'll fight to protect and beat this villain! I won't give up! Everyone else is fight so I can't give up!

To be continued

U.A Goes To Wellston(Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora