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Momo Pov

We were dodging rocks and metal that were being thrown at us. There are two people, one of them we faced before.

Compress from the League of Villains and the other is from EMBER a women that we don't know the name of.

The women that was in front of me suddenly disappeared on me as I looked around but suddenly my entire body got smash to the ground. "H-How...?" I asked the women as she smirked at me.

I looked up in pain as I was bleeding, I wasn't the only one hurt or bleeding either. Everyone in my team was injured as we were facing these two.

How could only two enemies take us out. I didn't think these two would be this strong at all. "It's called training little girl." The women tells me.

The women looked at me with a smirk as she spoke again "You hero's and high-tiers will be dealing with us!" She shouted at us as her hand turn to metal.

"Die you fake hero's!" Compress shouted as he threw a marvel that hit the ground hard as an explosive was in it.


"How did he get his hands on that?!" Oijiro shouted as everyone tried to stay in balance. Reí attacked the women head on as I thought of something "Hey Iida can you and the others help Rei out while I make something." I asked Iida.

Iida looked at me "Alright! Come on guys let's help him out!" Iida shouted as Oijiro, Sato and Tokoyami went to help fight the women and Compress.

I opened my shirt as I tried to remember the details of that one fabric that I used to beat Mr.Aizawa in our final exam. My head is all fuzzy...

Iida Pov

I ran towards Rei along with Sato, Oijiro and Tokoyami but we were fighting someone else. One of the members of the League of Villains Compress the man that took Bakugo from us.

But we managed to rescue him without fighting the villains. "We must give Momo some more time!" I shouted to my classmates and Teammates as well.

We were getting ready to fight compress now, "Got it!" Sato shouted as he tried to attack the villain Compress with his fist. I was getting ready to kick them with my special move.

Rei Pov

The women tried to kicked me as I managed to dodge her attack right away as I was pushed against a wall now. "Die High-tier!"

"No Ones Gonna Die!"

I turned to see that Sato pushed her away as she was grabbed by a shadow hand. "We won't loose at all." Tokoyami tells me as I nodded at him with a smile.

We all were pretty beaten up a little, just one person was able to hurt us without any help at all. I looked around "Where's Momo at?" I asked them.

"She's making something right now, she asked us to buy her some time." Iida tells me as I looked at him and I stood up "Then let us buy her time than." I told them "Yeah we won't give up that easily." Oijiro says getting ready to fight.

Sato punched the ground hard "We will fight with all our strength no matter what!" Sato shouted "We're go pass our limits if we have too!!" Tokoyami shouted as well.

I looked at each one of them. These UA students really are something, to be honest I wish I was fighting along Midoriya. He was ready to beat then and all his friends know how strong he is.

But his friends are strong as well, their not weak at all. They are still fighting!

I know we can win this fight, we just need to hold out a little longer for Momo. "Let's fight guys!" I told them as Lightning was around my body. "Let's see about that Hero's." Compress tells us.

To be continued

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