Todoroki vs Dabi

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Shoto Pov

I was faced to face with this guy once again "Who the hell are you?" I asked him with a glare. "I'm Dabi from the League of Villains but you already know that." Dabi tells me but I get this feeling that I knew this villain.

He kinda reminds me of him...but different.

I shook my head no I need to focus, I defeated a few of these guys. I just need to beat him and help the others fight "Move out of my way if you know what's good for you." I told him calmly.

Dabi smirked at me "Make me Shoto Todoroki." He tells me as I glared at him "So be it." I said as I lifted my left hand using my ice quirk to freeze him.

My eyes widen to see that he's melting it again "Ice won't work on me. You already tried that before." Dabi tells to me.

How am I suppose to beat him, he can melt my ice and counter my fire as well. He's strong for a villain 'There has to be a way to beat him.' I thought to myself. I sighed I think I should only use combat moves for now.

I ran towards him as I kicked him "I won't lose to a villain like you at all!" I shouted at him as Dabi jumped away "Oh really." Dabi says with no emotion present on his face.

"I'll fight you with combat moves too to make it fair Shoto Todoroki!" Dabi shouted as he smiled and we started fighting.

He managed to stop a few of my kicks and punches but I was still able to hit him. He also managed to land a couple of hits on me as well. "Enough playing around." Dabi tells me as he attacks me with his blue fire.

My eyes widen as I countered with my own fire but his was stronger as it broke through my flames and hit me.

"GYAAAAHHHH!!!" I screamed in pain, I was on the ground hurt and bleeding too. He came near me as he kicked me hard and grabbed my head smashing it against a building wall.

I was bleeding a lot right now "Your so weak, you won't be able to be a hero like this at all. You gonna fail and you won't be able to protect anyone like this." Dabi tells me as anger was building up in me.

"Shut your mouth up right now! I will become a hero. I will be a hero of my own not like my scum bag of a father but someone that will fight for what he believes in!" I shouted at him.

Dabi stares at me as I saw so much anger in his eyes, he tightened his hold on my hair as he pulled on it. "SHUT UP." He shouted as he kneed me in the face and slammed me to the ground this time.

Dabi grabs me by my hair again as our faces were close to each other, I was glaring at him. He was smiling at me "Once I'm done with you Shoto then I'll burn all your friends to ashes." Dabi tells me as I glare at him more.

"My friends aren't weak at all, and I will not die by your hands either!" I shouted as ice spears surrounded by fire came straight at him.

Dabi dodged them as he backed away. I was shocked "Wait...I did that..?" I whispered to myself. I combined both my ice and fire together.

"That wasn't to bad. But you won't be able to fight for much longer, your almost at your limit." Dabi told me as I panted heavily.

He's right I am...I'm losing too much blood as well...I'm almost at my limit of using my quirk...that last one took more out of me...

Suddenly an image of a smiling Yaoyoruzo appeared in my mind...That's right I can't lose just yet...I won't lose this battle at all. I promise to you that I will return to you no matter what.

I will fight to protect them all! I won't lose here at all! We won't lose to these Villains!

I forced myself to stand even thought I was feeling so much pain right now. I saw that Dabi was smiling, happy that I am getting up "This will be interesting."

"I will beat you as myself."

To be continued

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