U.A High

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Shota Pov

I was currently walking to the class that I teach class 1a. While walking I was remembering the conversation that I had with the principal and All Might.


The principal called for me, I knocked on the door "You called for me." I said as the principal replied "Come in Mr. Aizawa." Principal Nezu says.

I walked in to see the principal and All Might "What is he doing here?" I asked Nezu. He smiled at me "Because this too involves him as well." Principal Nezu tells me. "What is it that you called us for?" All Might asked.

"I called you two to tell you that UA class 1a will be going on a little trip for two month. And before you ask it is Wellston Private High School, I already told the Headmaster Of Wellston Vaughn about this. Tomorrow you will all be leaving, only you two will go with the students of 1a."

Me and All Might were shocked about this "Sir that school and city it is in is all about the hierarchy system." I told Principal Nezu.

"They also dislike us hero's. They don't understand us and they treat the weak terrible principal Nezu." All Might tells him. "I agree with All Might."

The Principal sighed "I understand how you both feel, it was a tough decision that I had to think about. But our students especially class 1a, I believe that they can change that system." He told us.

Me and All Might looked at each other as we nodded "Alright sir." I told him as he gives us a smile. I left the room first to go to class 1a.


I sighed "I hope this is the right choice you made Principal Nezu." I whispered as I walked into the classroom. "Everyone get in your seats." I told them.

They all immediately went to their seats.

Midoriya Pov

We were in our seats as Mr. Aizawa was in the front as he looked at us. "I have something to tell you all." He tells us tiredly. That got me curious.

Mina raised her hand "Is it something important?" She asked Mr. Aizawa as he nodded at Mina. "Yes it is important, now let me talk." He told her.

"Tomorrow we are going on a trip and we will be staying there for two months. We already notified your parents and they gave us their permission."

Todoroki raised his hand "What is it Todoroki?" Mr. Aizawa asked him. "Will there be another teacher joining us?" He asked as Mr. Aizawa nodded but he could speak someone bursted in.

"I AM HERE! AND I WILL BE ALSO JOINING YOU ALL ON THIS TRIP!!" All Might told us as we were all happy to hear that especially me.

Everyone looked so excited "Where is the place we are going to Mr. Aizawa?" I decided to asked him. "Wellston Private High School." He answered.

At the answer he gave us immediately quiet everyone down. "Your kidding right?" Kaachan asked Mr. Aizawa. "No I'm not." He said.

"Isn't that school and the city their all about some system?" I asked as Mr. Aizawa nodded. "You also will have guides to show you around. Tomorrow we meet at 7am." He told us.

Wow that's pretty early but I wake up around 5 to do some jogging."Yes. Now let's begin class." He tells us.

But why do I feel like I heard more about that school, for some reason I can't seem to remember. Only if I can then I could know more about it.

Bakugo Pov

That school seems familiar and I remember hearing about it. All I remember is that they are so serious about their system that they have.

Oh well if I can't remember then it must not be that important. Guess I find out once we get there. I wonder if they have strong students that got strong quirks.

I wonder what hero's work at that school too. They gotta have strong hero's if it's some private school.

Uraraka Pov

Wow! We get to go to another school for a whole two month! This will be so fun, I wonder what kind of quirks these students have.

Probably someone had a quirk similar to mine but Deku seems like he's trying to remember something after asking about a system they have. I wonder what this system is.

Oh well. Hopefully the school day goes by fast so we can pack and go to this school. I wonder who our guides will be?

To be continued

U.A Goes To Wellston(Crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu