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Midoriya Pov

It's been a few days now since that meeting, I wanna do something and save this place and this system. I'm not the only one who wants it gone everyone in UA wants it gone too.

We were all sitting down outside on the ground "Geez when is it time for us to go and search for them?" Kaminari asked us. "I'm sure they are working hard on finding them." I told Kaminari.

"Your right Midoriya. They been working hard for the pass few days." Shoji says as I smiled and nodded.

I heard footsteps "The teachers found a lead, they sent us to get you all." We looked up to see that it was the boy with red hair known as Blyke.

We stood up "Tch, why didn't Mr.Aizawa or All Might come to get us." Kaachan said giving them attitude.

We all sighed "Sorry about him. Man you gotta be at least a little nicer." Kirishima told Kaachan as he looked away.

No one Pov

All of the students walked towards the conference room once again to only see no one there. "No teachers so we're the first ones here." Todoroki says calmly with no emotion present on his face.

"Why did they tell us to bring you guys and come here than?!" Blyke shouted as he was about to take a step "Don't step on me..."

Everyone froze "AHHHH A GIANT BUG!!!!" Remi shouted as the Wellston students freaked out and the UA students just stood there.

"That's Mr. Aizawa for you, haha." Jiro says to them. They all nodded laughing a little as well.

Mr. Aizawa finished drinking his juice as he stood up now "All of you sit down the others will arrive any minute." Mr. Aizawa told them as they did.

Soon the Headmaster and All Might arrived as they sat down. "Alright, we found a lead of our targets." Headmaster Vaughn tells them with a serious face and voice.

They all looked serious "Where are they at?" Sero asked him. "They are currently hiding out in this building that looks like a restaurant and bar, but they don't stay in one area at all." Mr. Aizawa says as he shows them pictures.

"Sirs, if I may ask? How were you guys about to find them?" Rei asked them as everyone turned and looked at him as they also wondered.

"You all may think that hero's are good for nothing here and only want fame and money right?" All Might told them as the Wellston students nodded "Yea we do." Isen answers for the others expect for Rei because he likes hero's.

Aizawa stood up and spoke "Unlike you Wellston students we actually do investigate our targets and plan out our plans of what to do. We don't do it for the fame or money but to save people's life's and lock the Villains up."

The Wellston students were quiet now "Back to the matter at hand, We will send each of your teams to different locations got it." All Might tells them as they nodded "Suit up hero's." Mr. Aizawa told his students.

The UA students got up and went to got and change to their hero costumes. The Wellston students were told to wear something that will hide there identities.

The teams were given a location to go to and search for the ones that are responsible. "Let's go." Mr. Aizawa tells them all "Right!" They all shouted.

To be continued

U.A Goes To Wellston(Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now