11: Half-naked and Half-afraid

Start from the beginning

"Cool story bro." I press my lips together in embarrassment. The irony of being called a parkour master.

"Anyway, I hope you're ready for the party of your life, because I brought glow sticks." She tosses me the bag, turning her attention back to the road. I pop it open to see it stuffed to bursting with plastic tubes.

"Clarissa, these are illegal. How did you get this many?" I marvel, taking one out to inspect it.

"I have resources. Plus, they aren't illegal in certain territories, so even if we do get busted we can say I got them from Reno or something."

"But they are illegal here." I look up at her. "If we get busted it's over."

She's quiet for a moment. Then she whispers "senior send."

"No, senior send should not include things that can get us thrown in jail, or fined until our wallets bleed. You're not even a senior!"

"You're no fun." She pouts, taking the bag from me. "They're only illegal because the inside stuff is toxic, and people started drinking it on dares. I'll make you a deal: we keep the glow sticks as long as nothing leaks. Will that satisfy your thirst for justice?"

"Hmm. I wouldn't call it thirst, but yes; I'm satisfied."

"Good, cuz we're here." She says, pulling up to the curb.

We get out, and make our way to the front doors. I'm halfway up the sidewalk when I stop dead in my tracks. "Oh shoot," I realize. "Is Rachel...?"

Clarissa punches her palm and lets out a long sigh. "Here? Most likely, yes. Unfortunately."

I slap my forehead, groaning. "That is unfortunate."

"It'll be fine." Clarissa says, "She always stays in the back and gossips, you'll hardly see her."

"Okay, whatever you say." I sigh in defeat, pushing the right side door open.

Music and party lights greet us when we enter the high domed recreation center. There are people everywhere, playing in the pool, chillin in the jacuzzi, playing ping pong, toasting mallows in a fire pit just outside, zip line, volleyball, swinging on a swing set, soccer; you name it, it's probably here somewhere. There's more music and lights spilling out from a DJ table to the right, and I can see dancing near it. The overall room is dim; only illuminated by the DJ table, a disco high above, and the pool lights.

"Hey everyone!" Clarissa shouts, holding the bag above her head in triumph. "I got glow sticks!"

Gasping, cheering, and then running. A herd of people bombard Clarissa, and she does her best to hand the sticks out in an organized fashion. I hurry and snag one, snapping it so the chemicals mix. I bend it around my wrist, and shake it a little. Green. Not really my color, but I'll take what I can get.

"Skylar!" A familiar voice cries out, and suddenly I am being tackled. I stand my ground however, and Rachel simply bounces off me.

The way her skin touched me makes my face and neck grow warm. "Oh hey," I say.

"You're so strong!" She comments, looking me up and down. Her eyes linger on my chest, and I look down at my feet for a second to try and gather my wits.

Option one: laugh. Option two: tell her to stop looking then leave the party. Option three: spontaneous combustion. I take a hard look at option three, then decide to laugh it off with a "thanks."

She touches my stomach, and I reflexively tense, leaning away. Her eyes get wide and she goes "ooh" with a grin. "Skylar I had no idea!"

"Haha, thanks." I say again, trying to look only at her eyes.

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