Chapter 15: Roy finds out

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As the months went by, the school year became more and more challenging. Percy had given Roy the demigod glasses she had made the summer before for all of the other demigods. Percy and Roy also have become great friends. Much to Oliver and Dinah's joy.

Speaking of those two. Percy had told them what Roy was. Told them about Roy being a demigod child to Apollo that is a legacy to Aries. They were shocked to say the least.

Percy had told Annabeth to ask how to tell Roy. Annabeth had came up with the idea of having Roy to find out on his own. And to do so she and Percy to talk about camp and the gods when he walked up.

But they had to do it when they were not surrounded by  a bunch of mortals. And mortals weren't supposed to know about the godly world. That was the biggest rule that was only annulled when a god or the whole Olympian council gave the okay.

Now it was spring break. Percy was on the beach near Star City with her mother, Annabeth, Piper and Dinah. Oliver, her father and Roy were in the nearby arcade trying to get more tickets then the other.

Clark had to dial down his strength some, okay a lot, to not get attention from the wrong people. People like the ones at Project Cadmus. Clark had heard stories about the people at Project Cadmus. They were like the people over at Belle rave over in Kansas.

A place Clark wasn't all that keen on going to willingly or forcefully. Cadmus and Belle rave were the two most hated places on earth. If you knew what really happened behind their walls.

The gods and their children knew of this these places. They knew of the dangers and the evil behind the doors. They knew the secrets of what was going on.

And like I said, it was spring break and Percy was at the beach near Star City with her parents and friends. Annabeth and Piper told Percy that her father, Poseidon, aloud all demigods to be in ocean if they were at the beach. Like they were now. But they were not aloud to cross it at all.

He had no control over pools at peoples homes. Percy was having the time of her life. She was building sandcastles with Piper and Annabeth. She was laughing and smiling like there was no tomorrow.

"PERCY!" Annabeth yelled

This began a sand fight between the three teenagers. This all started when Percy threw sand at Annabeth. The sand fight was a thing Percy usually did with her parents. But she found it more enjoyable when she did it with Annabeth and Piper.

Soon the day had ended. Everyone had gone back to Oliver's home. They all wanted something to eat before going back to their homes. The plan to tell Roy was put into action.

To be honest, Percy was a little scared about telling Roy. This was her first time telling someone that they're a demigod. And so far, it has not been fun.

The plan soon turned sideways. The adults had to go out and fight. All because Lex Luther and The huntress had teamed up. Not a good sign when villains do that. Especially a villain from different heroes.

"He's coming." Piper whisper yelled to everyone

She knew of Percy's sensitive hearing. Piper ran to her seat. They acted as normal as possible.

"So Percy I heard the gods are throwing a party next week in Olympus. Wanna go with me?" Piper asked when Roy entered the kitchen

"No. I don't need to be around the gods to party. All I need is a bouncy house, a slide, a couple of hoses and a pool." Percy said

She began to think of the birthday when she and her friends swam in the pond on the farm in Smallville. Best birthday she ever had.

"But Dionysus is bringing the drinks." Annabeth said

"Dionysus is the god of wine. And we can't drink alcohol till we are 21 at lest. So do the math." Percy said with a grouchy look on her face

This was all part of the plan. Annabeth and Piper day something and Percy knocks it down.

"Demeter is bring food." Piper said in a sing song voice

"And Demeter is a vegetarian." Percy said

"Will you stop putting everything down? So what that's what they are?" Piper asked

"Yeah. Dionysus is bringing non alcoholic drinks and Demeter is bringing more then veggies." Said Annabeth

"Why are you three talking about gods and goddesses?" Roy asked

The three girls turn to Roy. Not surprised to see him there.

"There is a reason. We are talking about the gods is because they are real. They're as real as you and me." Percy said

"No they're not. They can't be real." Roy said

"Yes they are Roy. I would never lie to you." Percy said

"Prove it." Roy demanded

"Uncle Ares can you come here please?" Percy said to the air around her

Soon there was a bright flash of light next to the four kids. Annabeth, Piper and Percy didn't flinch as they were used to it. But Roy, not used to this, did flinch some. When the light subsided, everyone saw there was a man standing next to them.

"Uncle Ares!" Percy said happily

She ran into her godfathers strong arms.

"I've missed you my little sea star." Ares said

"I've missed you too Uncle." Percy said with a smile

"Who's this?" Area asked

Percy turned to her friend.

"This is Roy. He is your grandson." Percy said

"You're Lilian's son?" Ares asked

"How do you know her?" Roy asked

"She was my daughter. My pride and joy. She could control her anger. She could do anything her heart desired. It was a shame to see her fade from this world." Ares said

The sparkle in Ares eye dimmed. Percy knew Clairese tried so hard to be like her older sister. But had a hard time controlling her anger.

There was a look in Roy's eyes. Like he is just finding out stuff about his mother. The atmosphere was Grimm.

"Hey Roy. Wanna meet your dad?" Percy asked

"Yeah." Roy said perking up some

"Apollo, van you come here please?" Percy said doing the same thing as before

There was another flash of light. Apollo replaced the light.

"Yes Persephone?" Apollo asked

"I needed your help convincing Roy over there that he is a Demigod." Percy said

Apollo looked to Roy. There was some hurt in the sun gods eye.

"Persephone. You know the gods can't interfere with their children. That's why your father hasn't visited you." Apollo said

"Are you sure about that?" Percy asked in a matter of fact tone and crossing her arms

There was a look on Percy's face. It was like, 'Don't mess with me. God or not, I'll mess you up.' And it was Percy's worst look. And it needs some work. Especially when Clark doesn't get scared

"He's visited you?" Apollo asked

"Yeah. Once a month. And on Christmas to have dinner with us." Percy said

Percy was proud of herself. She just told off the god of music, healing, prophecies, archery and the sun. Even when that god was the Olympian council's smart mouth.

Apollo talked to Roy for a good hour. He convinced Roy about what he was. Apollo even said the rules. Roy understood everything he was told.

Soon Percy and Roy got back to school.

"Everyone had a good break?" Chiron asked

"Yeah." Everyone yelled

Over the rest of the school year, Roy kept drilling Percy about the gods. Percy hadn't told Chiron yet. How could she? The gods were a sensitive subject.

A/N: Keep voting for a three some of you want it.

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