Chapter 11: Haley's Circus

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Dick 15, Roy 5, Kaldur 2, Wally 1, Apollo 11

It was August 18th, Percy's 13th birthday. In the morning, like years before, there was a present at the foot of Percy's bed. This year it was a tiara. It was like the one Percy saw her mother wear in pictures.

It was gorgeous. And it looked very delicate as well. Percy had put it into the safe Bruce given her a few years ago. Right next to the diamond ring she gotten from Oliver that same year.

Bruce along with Percy were now at Haley's circus. Bruce got them there early so Percy could meet the Grayson's. Percy still didn't know of the meeting between her and the Grayson family.

She just thought her uncle wanted a good spot. Both in the parking lot and in the bleachers. But before the two entered the tent Bruce pulled his niece back.

"There is something I have to tell you before we go in there." Bruce said

"What is it?" Percy asked

"I've secured a meeting between you and the Grayson's." Bruce said with a smile

"What? Did you really?" Percy asked

"Yes I did. They are excited to meet you. Richard especially." Brice said

"Then lets meet them." Percy said jumping in her own excitement

Bruce didn't like this all that much because of Percy's ADHD. Something not only Percy suffered from but all of the league who was trying to help her with it.

Bruce took Percy 'backstage' to meet with the family. Percy was all bouncy on the way back there. When she entered the meeting room percy saw the family of three waiting for her.

"You must be Percy?" Said the woman Percy recognizes as Marry Grayson

There was a kind smile on her face as she looked onto the demigoddess. Percy felt that the woman in front of her could be trusted.

"I am. And I am happy that I'm meeting you today." Percy said smiling

During the meeting Percy learned a few tricks she could do on the ground as well as in the air. It also helped that Percy had taken a few gymnastics classes in Star City a few years back.

She did it to burn off the energy she gained from her ADHD. It was one thing Oliver tried to do to help the hyperactive child he called a niece.

Dick and Percy got along great. Like a house on fire. Percy also learned that they Grayson's were Romanian. To annoy Bruce, Percy started to talk to them in their native language. It made Bruce growl in frustration.

Now Percy had learned Romanian when Dinah was learning the language.

Soon the circus needed to start and the Grayson's had to go to their positions. And Percy along with Bruce went to their seats. Percy was excited about the act her new friends were doing.


The crowd cheered.


The lion tamer with Stripes the lion came in, did his act and went. Next was the elephant named Tiny. Then the human cannonball which made a lot of people nervous. Then the tiger named Jumbo came in and did his act of jumping through rings that were on fire.

Soon it was the last act. The act of the flying Grayson's. The act Percy really wanted to see. Percy knew she would have to describe the experience to Piper and Annabeth next time she sees them.

Clark Kent's Demigod DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora