72- I'm not high, are you high?

Start from the beginning

"No, did you?" Wes responds. They were just staring at us as if they were in their own little world. They usually were, those two, but not in situations like this.

It was like Co and I weren't even here anymore

"I'm not high, are you high?" Wes questions Tyler

"I'm not high either, are you high?"

"Bro I just fucking said-nevermind, dude I think we're both fuckin hallucinating," Wes states "I didn't smoke today though,"

"Neither did I and I always smoke with you,"

"Guys" I try to snap them out of their little world, they're literally going in circles here.

"Was it something we ate?" Wes asks

"Maybe. But dude we didn't have the same thing, was all the food contaminated?" Tyler adds.

"I don't think so, Jordan was acting fine in the car,"

"Dude I think this is actually real,"

"Yes it's fucking real, now snap out of it dumb and dumbass," Jordan comes out of nowhere behind them and smacks both of their heads "Now sit the hell down and let them explain,"

"Wait hold on before y'all say anything, is this like a fuckin friends with benefits thing ore boyfriend girlfriend thing?" We'd questions

"Yeah like 'no strings attached' fuckin or like 'I love you' type fuckin?" Tyler clarifies even though it was not needed at all.

"Oh my god," for the second time I feel my face turn red in embarrassment as Co laughs beside me.

"We are actually together guys," Co grins "Like actually dating,"

"Really?!" Wes yells while practically jumping out of his seat on the couch "I fuckin told you they were acting weird T!" He points a finger at Tyler who looked almost as surprised and Jordan was.

"Yeah," I grin

"HOLY SHIT" Tyler finally speaks as his grin mirrors Wes's "Do your brothers know?"

"The twins and Beck don't, so don't say shit in front of them yet, we're telling them tonight," Co orders

"Sir, yes sir," Wes smiles "So when did this happen?"

"Well it originally happened on New Years eve, then we broke up on St.Patrick's day and got back together this weekend" I can't help but smile as Co places his arm around me

"Dude this is cute," Tyler jutts out his lower lip as he looks over at Wes "Almost makes me wanna stop sleeping around and get in a actual relationship,"

"T you wouldn't," Wes snorts

"Hence why I said almost." He smirks at Wes's previous statement before turning his attention back to Co and I "So what are you gonna do now?"

"Well we're gonna tell everyone tonight at the barbecue so be there cause that's gonna be a shitshow, but until then we're just gonna chill"

"Sounds like a plan," Jordan states as he lays across both mine a Co's laps "What are we watchin?"


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