Chapter 3

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Finally, the first day of my internship. I've been excited to start my new chapter in my life and start my new career as a case manager. I will be an intern at a big company known as Baldwin Cooperation. This company is quite powerful and I heard they only accept professional people who have at least three experiences from other company or you need to graduate from a good university. I am lucky I can start my internship there. For today, I am wearing a button-up white blouse and black pencil skirt. I have to look professional too so that people there won't look down on me. I take my white pump and wear it. "You can do it, Ava. Fighting!" I said to myself while looking at the mirror. I take my handbag and left the room and go downstairs to have breakfast with my family.

"Good morning my lovely daughter, come sit and have some pancakes." My mom said and I take a seat next to my brother. "So, are ready your big day today?" My mom asks.

"Of course, I've been waiting for this day to come but I am nervous too. What if they don't like me?"

"Ava, you can't say that. Remember, always think positive and even though they don't like you, it's their problem not you. Just do your best and impress your boss." My dad said and I nod my head and eating my pancakes.


Okay, here it is.

  Ava, I know you can do it, and let's do this

I take a deep breath and wake inside the building. The moment when I step inside this building, my first impression is 'wow'. I am in awe after I look at the interior design and the people here. The aura here feels so professional and successful. I walk to the receptionist and introduce myself. She gives me a smile and leads me to where I should go. "Have a good day, Miss Blair." She said and leaves.

This company is like the company in one Korean drama that I watched with my mom last week. I feel like Deja Vu. I walk to the lift and scan my card that the receptionist gave it to me earlier. This is my card for this three months before I get my permanent stuff card after my internship. 

I hope so.

"Good Morning, I'm here to meet with Mr. Goldy. I'm the new intern." I said after I arrive on the 28th floor. 

"Oh, welcome Miss Blair. Yes, Mr. Goldy is expecting you now." She leads the way and opens the door for me. I can say them all nice here. I think I will be alright here. "Mr. Goldy, Miss Blair is here." 

"Let her in," Mr. Goldy who will be my boss for three months said. I don't know why, but I feel so nervous right now. My palms are sweating and my heart is beating fast than usual. This is more nervous than I have to speak in front of hundreds of people. 

"Go ahead, Miss Blair. Good luck," She said and closes the door behind me.

"Please, have a seat, Miss Blair."

"O-Oh, okay," I said and quickly sit on the chair in front of him. 

"Welcome to Baldwin Cooperation and I will be your boss during your internship for three months. I hope you will work hard and be comfortable with the staff. Come, I will show you your table." He said and stand up. I follow him like a lost puppy behind him and I don't even know why I look down like I did anything wrong. Just then, he stops in front of my table but my legs still walking and make me hit my head on Mr. Goldy's back. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mea-"

"No, it's fine but next time, be careful and stay alert." I nod my head to understand. "This is your table and this is Suzy, who will help you if you need or want to ask anything, you can ask her. Alright, I will leave you, I hope you will enjoy working here, Miss Blair." Mr. Goldy said and walks back to his office.


My work is not that much for the first day. I am lucky to have Suzy, at least I have a friend to talk and even have lunch together. Suzy is such a sweet person and the way she talks is so motherly. She is 36 years old but looks like in her 20s. She has two children, one boy, and one girl. They are so cute when she showed me the pictures of her children. "I have a meeting to attend now, you okay right?" She asks.

"Yes, I can manage," I said and she walks away. Being a Public Relations Manager is my dream since high school. I used to be afraid and not confident to speak in front of people. I still remember the day when I was in primary school, the teacher asked me to present my work in front of the class and I was so scared and shy at that moment. I can't even talk and just look at my classmates until I peed in my pants. All of my classmates laughing at me and keep saying to me that I am a coward. So, I take all that as a challenge for me and prove to them all that I can speak with confidence in front of people. I'm not going to be a coward or shy anymore and now, I succeed to achieve what I want. I am now a brave and confident woman even though sometimes I make stupid mistakes but it all okay with me.

I shake all my thoughts away and look at the time. It's 2:20 pm and Suzy still not finish her meeting yet. I stand up and walk to the pantry to make myself a drink to refresh myself. After I'm done, I continue to walk to my table but I slip and my drink spill on someone that I didn't know who because I don't see his face. Yes, it's a man to be confirmed. My feet hurt so bad and I regret to wear this pump. "Oh my god, I-i'm so sorry, Mr..." I force myself to stand up and quickly apologize to the man. He looks mad and there's another man behind him looking scared and that makes me confused. "I am so sorry, sir, I slip and I didn't know that-"

"Who are you?" He asks me cutting my words.

"I-I am a new intern here. This is my first day, sir." I answer. I look at his face and I can say he is quite hot. No no, he is hot and smells good too.

Ava! come to your sense! You just spilled your drink on his suit. You idiot!

"Oh! yea, your suit, I will clean it up. I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean it." I grab a tissue and want to wipe the stain but the man behind him stops me from doing it. "What are you doing? I am trying to wipe the stain on this suit." I said and take my hand back.

"I can manage it."He said and take out the handkerchief to wipe it. 

"I just want to help," I said and look at him confused. 

"What's your name, Miss?" 

"I'm Ava. Ava Blair." I answer.

"Since this is your first day, I think you still don't know who he is but since he didn't say anything now, you better go and never show your face again. I'm serious." This makes me really confused. I don't know what is he talking about but looks like it is really serious. 

"Well, if that so, I am truly sorry again. I should go now then," I said and walk quickly to my desk. I don't know who is that guy but he looks powerful and quite familiar. 


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