Chapter 4 Who is at the door?

Start from the beginning

"Stacy please let us in, I promise you that nothing will happen to you." This time it was Nick who had talked.

Not really having a choice in the matter I opened the door and let them in.

"Come on in," I said moving out of their way so they could walk into the room.

"I hope you don't mind but I brought a first aid box with me because I had seen how badly hurt your hand was dear and I want to fix it for you, so please sit down and let me bandage you up."

I'm a sucker for sweet older ladies they remind me of my grandmother.

As I sat and she worked on my hand witch still really hurt I noticed Nick in the corner of my eye as he looked around the room, I knew what he was looking for but I was going to wait until he had brought up the subject.

"I see that your here Stacy but I don't see the girls where are they?" Nick asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about Nick, the girls should be at home in their beds sleeping as normal little girls do at that age."

Nick looked at me as I looked right back at him.

He knew what I had meant with my comment.

"Grandma I think her hand is patched up the best it could be. I need to chat with her for a little ok so can you please give us some time to talk." Nick asked in a very sweet voice.

Wow, this woman was Nick's grandmother now that kinda explains how he found out that I was here.

"Oh ok, hunny ( She pinched his cheek and then looked at me) it's ok sweety he is a cop so whoever had hurt you tonight he will help you."

She looked proud when she mentioned that her grandson was a police officer.

She walked out of the room and then I went to speak to Nick.

"So you're a police officer? I feel really bad now for your grandmother because her grandson is a crooked cop."

"Let me make this clear, I'm not just a cop I'm an undercover FBI agent and I am not crooked. That's a slap in my face by calling me that and I have been working on this case for the past 7 years and you had almost blown it for me tonight."

"What? How did I almost blow it for you?"

"You know and I know I had seen you listing in on everything but I couldn't have said a word or you would have been in danger. I understand why you did what you did tonight but now you have brought war upon 3 Mafia groups."

" Mafia?" I asked really confused now with what he had said.

"Yes, Mafia. Those two older gentlemen that I was standing with and Brian's father are head leaders of their own Mafia Clan. They were trying to make an alliance to bring their groups altogether by getting married to Carly and Chloe witch would make them family by marriage. But now Brian has gone crazy thinking that one of those leaders had double-crossed them by taking you and kidnapping the girls as well. Brian almost killed them tonight if I hadn't stepped in."

I couldn't believe what I was wearing Brian almost killed these two men because of me.

"Your safe, for now, Stacy but there is a war going to happen between all 3 groups and it's not going to be nice and a lot of people are going to die. I need to keep you safe and away from everything that is going to happen." on and I need to hide you before something happens to you."

"What why me? And what about Chloe and Carly? I'm not leaving them behind."

"Yes you, You're the main reason for this war. I have already notified my boss and he wants you and the girls to go into Protective Services so that we can take care of all of you and keep you safe but I would also need you to do me a big favour."

"What do you need Nick?"

"Once everything is set and done and the war has stopped I need you to be a witness on the stand explaining everything that you had saw and heard from tonight and onwards so that these head Mafia leaders can be sentenced and put behind bars for the rest of their lives."...



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