New chief

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Lexa has been described in many ways over the years. Strong, brave, smart, ruthless, tough, and most of all, strict. She's ok with these descriptors though, because no matter what people call her, she gets the job done. Lexa was recognized all over the country as one of the top fire chiefs, which is why she is being recruited for station 100. A station where Lexa will have to fix a broken system, and implement some new rules and guidelines for the firefighters who have been struggling there. Not wanting to take this on alone, she decided to bring Lincoln, and Indra, two of her top firefighters from the last station with her, because from what she has heard, she will need all the help she can get.

The drive to station 100 wasn't long. Lexa was driving and Lincoln and Indra sat in the back seats together. They had just picked up a rental car from the airport, only having a few bags and boxes each, before the rest of their stuff was shipped to their places next week, but until then, they just needed some basics for the station. The car ride wasn't wasted, and Lexa went over the plan for what they would do at the new station. Station 100 was known for being filled with lazy goofballs, and Lexa was specifically called in to fix that mess, and create a productive team. Apart from her Lincoln and Indra, there were 6 firefighters who already work there. The last fire chief was a guy named Jaha, but he was fired when it was discovered he was trying to persuade other firefighters into taking illegal drugs. The 6 firefighters that remain were said to be talented, but lazy, and passionate, but egotistical. When asked why they weren't all just fired, Lexa was told they could be molded into an excellent team, but Lexa still had her doubts.

"Hey Lexa, do you think they will be willing to work hard and get better?" Indra asked from the back seat. To this Lexa just scoffed, and shook her head.

"We will make them though." Lincoln said, smiling between the two. Hopefully Lincoln was right, because if Lexa couldn't shape up station 100, she would most likely lose her status as a top fire chief which is something she couldn't afford happening.

Lexa finally pulled up to the back of the fire station, and the three exited the car, leaving their stuff so they could greet their new co-workers before getting settled. Lexa knocked on the back door of the fire station, and they waited for someone to get it but there was no response. After 2 minutes went by, there was still nothing, and Lexa grew frustrated.

"You have got to be kidding me." She mumbled, knocking on the door again. She looked at Indra and Lincoln and they both just shrugged their shoulders. Lexa then tried to open the door, and realized it was unlocked. This was not good, there is a lot of safety equipment and chemicals in this station, along with the personal belongings of the firefighters, and having the back door unlocked was irresponsible.

"Let's go." Lexa announced, walking inside, with Lincoln and Indra right behind her.

Lexa was angry because of the unprofessionalism of her new station, but more then that she was worried. Lexa knew that it would be a lot of work to fix station 100, but she couldn't let them see any weakness in her so she put on her usual stoic face, and continued forward. Walking into the house itself, you came to a small living room, with an open kitchen connecting to it. Down the hall there were bedrooms, a laundry room, and a large bathroom, but all of these rooms were empty. This left only one room in the house and as Lincoln, Indra and Lexa neared it, they heard what sounded like music coming from it.

Lexa opened the door to to find five people huddled around a blonde girl who looked like she was twerking in the center of their circle as all of them cheered her on. The song fire burning was playing loudly, and no one even noticed Lexa, Indra and Lincoln walk in the room. This is what Lexa has to deal with. 6 sorry excuses for firefighters, who don't even know how to lock the back door. Lexa was fuming, and cleared her throat to announce her presence. Immediately the firefighters noticed she was standing there and they all quickly scrambled to turn off the music and line up in front of Lexa.

"Please tell me this is a joke." Lexa begged, looking down the line of people standing before her. When she got no response, she let out a sigh, and closed her eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm herself down.

Then a Blonde girl (the one twerking) stepped forward and Lexa opened her eyes.

"Are you our new chief?" She asked, her face a bit pink, most likely embarrassed from her poor first impression.

"I am. My name is Cheif Woods, and these are my associates Indra and Lincoln." The two nodded at the line of people and Lexa continued to address them.

"We are here because you are the least effective station in the entire state of California, way to go by the way because there are over 800, and your station needs to be fixed before you get shit down, so I am here to fix it." Lexa explained, making eye contact with each individual that stood before her. Her eyes rested on the Blonde's a little longer then the others, and Lexa had never seen eyes of that color blue, but she quickly looked away to regain her focus.

"I'm sorry but you are here to fix our station?" One of the boys asked, a surprised expression on his face.

"Shut up Bell." The Blonde whispered, slapping the boy on the arm, and he quickly looked away guilty.

"No please...Bell was it? Finish your thought." Lexa instructed, staring at the boy intently.

He took a big gulp, and then looked up at Lexa, eyes fearful yet also curious. "I just meant you are a little young, that's all."

"Ahh. I see." Lexa continued, giving Bellamy a small smile. The boy smiled back, but he was still a bit nervous. "I can assure you that I am in fact more then qualified to lead this station. If anyone had a problem with that I will walk you to the door myself, which by the way you left unlocked."

There was no response, but everyone seemed to look down at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact from Lexa clearly embarrassed. Her plan was already working. Showing she was a strict leader was an important step to earning their respect. Lexa wasn't trying to make friends, she was trying to put out fires, and that's what she intended to do, with hopefully a strong team of firefighters at her side.

"Very well. We will be going to bring some of our stuff in and get settled down. I will speak to you all more over dinner." And with that, Lexa, Indra and Lincoln, walked out of the lounge room, leaving everyone standing there in shock.

Clarke was the first of the group to speak, turning around to face everyone. "This should be fun." She said sarcastically, a small frown on her face. What Clarke didn't yet know is that this would actually be fun......just not quite yet.

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