Karasuno reunites

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Hinata Shouyo

I need to surprise everyone...
Maybe I can use the help of Tobio.

"Hey, Tobio." I said, walking up to him.
"Hm?" He said looking at me.

"Can you message the Karasuno team to gather up somewhere?" I asked.
"Why? You don't have their phone numbers?" He asked me.

"I do but... it's a surprise. I want to surprise them that I'm back." I said, slowly sitting down on the couch.
"Ohhh. Okay. Where to meet?' He asked.
"Let's see.." I pulled out my phone.

"Meet at the... Handa Resturaunt."
I said.

"Alright. I'll tell them now." He said as he pulled out his phone.
"Tell them today at 4PM. Say it's an emergency." I said as I ruffled Tobio's hair.
He nodded and I walked off, going to get ready to meet.
I was now wearing a black hoodie that has a white clock drawing on it and underneath was a pure white shirt.
Jean shorts that were knee length and long af socks with pure black shoes.

As we walked to the restaurant, I put on my hood. It's really cold out here.

We reached the restaurant.
I looked at the time.
Enough time.

"I'm gonna hide myself." I said, walking inside.
Kageyama nodded.

"Let's tell the receptionist what we're doing." Kageyama said.
I said as we both walked up to the receptionist.

We explained how I returned from America and how we're going to surprise some old friends.
The receptionist understood and demanded we pay extra so we did.
She told the other workers and they understood.

I hid myself under the table of the table behind where they were meeting.

Now we wait.
Tick Tock

As I was about to check my phone, I heard a familiar voice.

I hid myself a bit lower, but still enough so I can see them.
I overheard them talking.

"Kageyama! What happened? You called us here so suddenly." Said Daichi.
"Well..." Kageyama started.

"Take a seat first." He said.
I saw a few of them nod and they all sat down.
As they were about to say something, I ran up to them and fell on them purposely.

"I'M BACK!" I yelled.
I could hear gasps.
"YOU'RE BACK!" I heard Tanaka yell.

"We missed you!" Sugawara said, pulling me into a hug.
"I missed you all too!" I said, smiling widely.

I sat down with them.
"So, how've ya been Hina—" Yamaguchi stopped himself.
"What do we call you now? Hanoi?" Asked Yamaguchi.

"Shouyo." I said,
"You can call me Shouyo!" I yelled as I accidentally bumped my head onto Kageyama's shoulder.
"So how've you been, Shouyo?" Asked Yamaguchi, continuing.

"I've been doing great! I'm fully and perfectly healed now." I said,

"What are you guys doing now-days?" I asked, curiously.
"Well... I'm busy with the flower shop." Said Sugawara.
"I'm planning to get married to Suga soon!" Yelled Daichi, proudly.

"Oooo~" I teased.

We ordered some food.

"Tsukishima~ what about you? Still salty as ever?" I asked, teasingly.
"Well I-" Tsukishima was cut off by a talking Yamaguchi.
"Tsuki is busy with his special someone~"

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