34- Plan

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Hinata Shouyo

"I'll do it."
Jenha spoke up.

We all turned to look at her.

"It's our last shift tomorrow night, 6PM."
I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I overheard master talking about firing us." She spoke.

"What day is tomorrow...?" I asked.
"Tuesday, why?" She questioned.

"He's going to bring someone home. STAY SAFE." I spoke, making it clear to stay safe.

"Who?" Asked Kageyama.

"He usually brings over some "friends.""
I replied.

"Friends?" Kageyama Asked.

"Yeah... they also... did stuff to me... and drugged me and... r... you know..." I replied.
He nodded.

Kageyama Tobio

I was so clueless...
I didn't even know what was going on with Hinata...

Now, I will PROTECT him
No matter what.
I will keep Hinata safe.

"BUT." Hinata spoke.

I looked at him.

"If you're lucky, he might just bring a woman home or something."
He said.

A woman? Oh. I guess Hinata had to see stuff like that too...

Alright. The plan was set.

"Jenha." Said Hinata.
"Hm?" She asked.

"If nobody is home or it's only him, It doesn't matter, JUST GET THE FOOTAGE AND RUN." I could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"I'll come with her." I spoke. I need to protect Hinata.

I felt everyone look at me.

"How?" Asked Hanoi.
"Jenha can get some clothes for me and disguise me as a worker, right?"
I said.

"Well... you are correct..." spoke Jenha.

"Kageyama, no."
I looked at Hinata.

"I can't put you in that much danger." He spoke.
"And you'd put a woman alone in so much danger?" I replied.

"Hey! Don't underestimate women!" Jenha replied, clearly annoyed.
Hinata chuckled a bit.

"I will go, Hinata." I spoke.

I heard him sigh.

"Okay. Here's the plan,"

We got closer to him.

"Tomorrow, Tuesday night, 6PM Kageyama and Jenha go into the house, pretend to clean. There are two small guest bedrooms on the second floor. One of them has the cabinet with the footage. Jenha goes into one while Kageyama goes into the other." He said,

"One of the guest room is at the end of the hall, right side. The other is end of the hall, left side. The right side has a window, which you can open, and there's going to be a tree there. Climb that tree as an escape." Jenha and I nodded.
"On the left side there is also a window. No tree. It's impossible to jump, but if you look down, there's going to be a bush. You can take that bush. It's dangerous, so take a rope there was that he used on me and you can slide down."
We nodded again.

"I'll take the left side, Jenha take the right."
She nodded.

"Please," Hinata lifted his hand.
"Kageyama, my dad isn't as strong as you think, he's stronger than you think. He's... a monster... so stay safe. Please." Hinata spoke.

He lightly rubbed my chin and I held his hand.

He looked at Jenha,
"Jenha. Thank you. Without you, my life would be over." I saw Jenha smile.

Thus, tomorrow came.

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