Chapter 37: Venting

Start from the beginning

I just had to hope that it would work out.

Aizawa's POV

I walked into the infirmary and leaned on the doorway. Shuzenji was going the kid one last kiss for good measure but Sora didn't seem very bothered by it.

I remembered how much stamina she had. It was unbelievable how fast and long she run. Now that I thought about it. The Commission was the one that sent out for their arrest. That was part of the reason we didn't tell them they were here. But it made me wonder. What did two vigilantes that stayed mostly in Musutafu do to catch the eye of the Hero Commission?

I'd ask them later but it better be good.

I had brought a sweatshirt and sweatpants from Nowane for her to wear, anything to get her out of that hospital gown. They were tucked under my arm for her while she sat up and swept her legs over the side of the bed. She slowly slipped of the bed and onto her feet.

The moment her right foot hit the floor she stumbled into the awaiting outstretched arms of Shuzenji. That must've been the bad leg. Sora held her thigh and held back a hiss of pain.

Gulping, she looked up at me and down at her leg, and began limping over to me. I was grateful I had the thought to bring baggy clothes so they couldn't cling painfully to her wounds.

I offered my arm to help her to the bathroom where she could change but she ignored me like I wasn't even there. What?

Shuzenji began giving me a rundown of what I should do if or when something happened.

She limped out of the bathroom wearing the clothes I brought with the hospital gown draped on her shoulder. She looked down at the floor in silence as she came over to me.

Shuzenji offered her crutches but Sora refused, signing that it was okay in JSL.

We walked to the car and once she was in the backseat she started fidgeting and looking around outside the window.

I suddenly remembered. This was probably the first time she'd lived with an adult male since her father. She was probably anxious, and rightfully so.

If her own father did that much to her with no one knowing, she had no idea what living with another adult would be like. I would have to make sure she could trust me.

I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex and opened the back car door for her. She climbed out and looked up at the building. I couldn't read the expression on her face.

Nowane greeted us at the door and as Sora walked in she looked around the apartment as if she was looking for something and looked down. One of the cats, Mochi, came up to her. She was the more aggressive cats out of the three.

"You might want to be careful, she's aggressive with new people," I warned. Mochi had always tried to bite anyone new in the apartment and hiss threateningly. Nowane's first time was no different. Right after Mochi saw her, she tried to attack her.

Surprisingly, Mochi just trotted up to Sora as the girl crouched down and held her hand out. Mochi sniffed it before purring and licking her hand.

Hizashi walked in while this was happening and gawked at her. "Is Mochi okay? Showing affection? What happened?"

I couldn't even answer, it was so strange.

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