I put my hair in a bun and than made my way to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a hot shower which was much needed for the jet lagg and sore muscles I had after an almost 17 hours long flight.

After 30 minutes I went down to kitchen only to find Tressa in the kitchen making coffee for us and making something edible for us she slide the coffee towards me and we started talking about the things we missed during the past times it was mostly me doing the talking, I even told her the reason behind the change of my number and social media stuff and she understood my reason and forgave me immediately.

"By the way Tess, what are you making?" I asked her.

I saw her stiffen at the nickname that I had given her when I first came here.

"Sorry, I won't use that name if you don't like it". I blurted out.

"No, it is actually I have heard that name after two and half years no one calls me that except you so yeah but please never call me by my nickname, Tess gives me a good feeling". She told me genuinely.

"Okay". I told her.

"By the way, I am making some pancakes and let me tell you because of you we all turned into vegetarians so no meat or eggs". She said.

I caught the fact she said we and by we I knew what she meant I wanted to ask her about others but fought against not that I didn't knew about them but I wanted to hear about them from her.

"Hey Tia, nice hoodie where did you get that from?" She asked.

"Stolen from a brother". I told her with a shrug and at that we both started laughing at my old habit she knew that I had.

We both started eating the pancakes in a comfortable silence and that's when I saw a very shirtless person walk into kitchen he had the toned and good physique and height and same dirty blonde only difference was he was now tanned and had a good physique and 6'0" height with brown eyes all in all this person was turned into those models who I see in my office

He was about to say something but when the person noticed me and his eyes went wide and his mouth opened and closed his mouth like goldfish as nothing came out.

I just lowered my mumbled, "I am really sorry, Tyson".

He cleared his throat awkwardly, "Tia, is it you?" He said with a raspy voice as he had just woken up.

And suddenly he groaned and held his head between his hand due to pain.

I quicky got up and gave him a glass of water and Tess gave him Advil to subside the pain in his head.

After he gulpped down the Advil he looked at me, "Yup, Tina Mehta". I told him with a whisper.

He tackled me in a hug surely wasn't the reaction I expected I stiffened at the reaction but nevertheless hugged him back.

"Why did you leave us without a proper bye but just a note and on the cherry to be topped on this pile you changed your contact details and social media too". He said.

"Tess, will fill you in with everything please". I requested her not wanting to repeat the whole story as she knew I just couldn't say anything about the topic.

As Tressa gave him all the heads up he was stunned and only thing came out was,"The guy has gotten into something serious, he doesn't have an idea what a shock he will have and make sure to woo him, dude and make him fall for you ev-". He was cut by my friend when she elbowed him. He cleared the throat "Tia, all's forgotten we get it okay".

I just nodded and we finished our breakfast with the catching up and remembering bit of old times.

After we were done I helped Tess with the dishes and cleaned the table and than we all went to our rooms.

The Return Of RebelWhere stories live. Discover now