fourteen : under the mistletoe

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Biddy's PoV:

My eyes were still closed shut after a nice night's rest. I felt a shift of a shape under my arm.

There was a sudden warmth, a burst of breath against the bottom of my chin.

My eyelids slowly drifted open to the sight of Salem, his slightly flushed face, inches from mine.

I was surprised, of course. He was still asleep, so I kind of took the advantage of studying his face.

And to be honest, he... he was... simply stunning. He was pale like powder, but his cheeks were naturally rosy. They gave him color. His lips were lightly large and had a sharp strawberry shade. I wasn't attempting to act creepy, but I took a simply swift sniff above his lips and I smelled... cake batter? Oh God, and do I love cake batter.

Every feature of his face was natural and sharp, from his button nose to his shaped eyebrows, his justifying jawline to his butterfly-shape ears. His dark chocolate/milk chocolate hair was cut short, but it was able to fall and fold a few over his forehead.

He... he was perfect. He was taking my breath away, and I was breathless.

Literally. I had just realized that I wasn't respirating.

After I began to breathe again, I was focused on his closed eyes, his long eyelashes accenting them. I really wanted to see his eyes, even for a second. I wish-

Salem breathed brusquely, his body rising and falling, straining with a supposed stretch. His nostrils flared, while his mouth opened, leaving a thin line for him to yawn. His eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes fluttered open.

My wish came true.

His eyes were defined as drops of rain dripping into silver puddles, as if they were rained down from the Heavens themselves, creating a pretty pair of eyes before me. A pretty pair of shocked eyes.

Salem's mouth threw out a mix of a gasp and a screech/squeak/squeal at me, while he thrailed himself off my bed, the blanket following after. He then landed on my hardwood floor with a loud thump.

I couldn't help but laugh at how clumsy he was. He hesitantly hopped up and threw the blanket at my face, relentlessly racing his way out of my bedroom.

Salem left the door ajar, which allowed a draft to creep in and chill me. Or was it because Salem's warmth abandoned me? I don't know. What if I do like him? Maybe I fell in with him?

I willingly wrapped myself in my blanket and made my way through the open door, with a smug smile still stuck on my face.

Once I was outside my bedroom, faint Christmas music filled my ears, and the strong scents of hot chocolate and peppermint candy canes filled my nose. My smile grew strong and I raced downstairs.

Yup, my family was putting up Christmas decorations! I heard thuds and thumps from outside on the roof, knowing that it was just my dad putting up the Christmas lights.

My older brother, Carr, was busy balancing the Christmas tree in the living room, cursing at the pine needles that snowed on his head. i rolled my eyes at him, entering the kitchen. Finn and Peep ran by, chasing each other with toy reindeer.

In the kitchen, my mom was arranging certain ornaments to hang on the Christmas tree while humming along to the Christmas music. Salem was sitting at the counter, sipping on some hot chocolate. The small steam rising from the mug was sliding against his nose, making it rosy.

"Good morning, Biddy-honey!" my mom greeted. She stopped what she was doing to come over and give me a pinch on the cheeks and a kiss on forehead. She was happy.

She spun back around, dancing to the merry music.

I grabbed a mug and filled it with hot chocolate, slurping on it satisfyingly. I walked over to the dining table to sit, finding a small snippet of a mistletoe plant.

"Hey, Mom?" I questioned, "A mistletoe? Really?"

"Hey," my mom exclaimed, turned around with her hands on her hips, "It's a good year!"

"Besides, we've never had it before..." she pointed out, going back to work. I took that to account and raised the mistletoe above my head, staring at it. Who am I supposed to kiss? Salem?
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Salem's PoV:

Well... That was one hell of a ride, an emotional rollercoaster.
Did Biddy w-watch me sleep? Oh God.

I sunk deeper into my hot chocolate, silently sipping on its steamy self.

Hopefully, the heat of this hot chocolate can hide my blush.

Biddy had completed complaining about the mistletoe Thracia got. To be honest, a mistletoe was a cute idea but who was I supposed to kiss? Biddy?

I took a tiny turn of my head towards Biddy, finding that he was holding the mistletoe above his head. He casted a concentrated and concerned face at it, which I was completely confused about.

Unfortunately, Biddy caught me staring at him. He lowered it, applying pursed lips after.

"Mom, where do you want me to hang it?" he asked, still staring at it but with a blank face rather.

"Hang it over the front door please!" Thracia chirped, her head hiding in the box of Christmas items, "Have Salem help you with it too. There's a stool by the door."

My eyes widened and lips pursed. Biddy had left the kitchen to the front door. I got off the stool I was sitting on and awkwardly followed behind him.

There, he pulled the stool from the side towards the center of the doorway. I didn't want to just stand there, so I shot my hand out under the mistletoe.

Biddy raised his brow at me and lightly landed the plant upon my palm.

I climbed onto the stool, realizing how elevated I was. It's not that I'm scared of heights but this stool didn't seem sturdy enough.

I shook it off (literally, I was shaking) and began attempting to hang the mistletoe on a nail that was already nailed there.

After one long lift on my tippy-toes, I managed to secure the string onto the nail. I sighed in relief and was about to get down when the front door swung open at me.

"Hey, I'm done with the Christmas ligh-OH GOD!" Mr. Stag screamed, now knowing that he opened the door on me. He closed the door again but it was too late.

Peep and Finn stopped running and stood there, screaming at me (or with me rather).

I had lost my balance on this stupid stool and there I went, falling.

Falling into Biddy's arms. Where he stood, under the mistletoe.


There it is! Part 1 of The Silent Treatment's Christmas Special!

Okay guys, so I edited the story to make where they were entering Winter Break, so if you received a bunch of notifications of updates on different chapters, that's what happened.

But yeah, guys! Biddy's falling in l-love with Salem. And Salem? He literally fell.

HahaI'm gonna write more now so remember to VOTE and COMMENT and that I LOVE YOU!!


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