Chapter 18

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"Shit." I muttered as I slammed the door to the hotel room and turned to see everyone looking straight at me. "What the fuck are y'all lookin' at?" I yelled as I walked over to a bed and sat down, just thinking.
"That's it?" Cube asked. "You better go after her ass and apologize the best way you can."
"Shut the fuck up Cube." I said, annoyed.
I didn't want to hear shit right now.
He sucked his teeth, "See this is what I told yo' ass. Didn't I say you were gonna fuck up. You better get yo' midget ass up and go after her before I make you."
I stood up and got in his face but Dre and Ren quickly got in between us.
"Woah, aight, that's it. Everyone's gotta chill." Dre stated as he pulled me away from Cube's bitch ass.
"Ren, get all these bitches outta here. Party's over." He continued. Once the room was cleared, it was dead silent and the air was still filled up with tension. Cube had also left the room. I don't know what's been up with him but everyone was noticing him change up these past few days, especially with Jerry and I.
Dre, Yella, and Ren tried to talk to me and calm me down as I paced back and fourth around the room. I don't know what I was gonna do or say to apologize to Naomi. Maybe there was nothing I could say because 'I'm sorry' wasn't gonna cut it for a woman like her. I really fucked up.
"I fucked up."
"Let her cool off. And you need to cool off, man. Let's go get some grub." Ren suggested.
"I ain't hungry." I told him.
"Shit, who's not hungry after fuckin' some bitches?" Yella blurted out which caused me to turn and glare at him.
"What?" He mumbled.
"Man, shut yo' dumb ass up." Dre pushed Yella. "Can't you see he just got dumped for fuckin' other bitches?"
I sucked my teeth before walking to the door, "Mark asses. Let's just go, aight?"
"Cool." They all agreed before following me out of the room. As we walked down the hall, I noticed Cube a couple of feet in front of us talking with Naomi and I couldn't help but feel angry and...jealous when I saw her talking to him. I know I fucked up, but I missed her more than anything and I did love her. I wanted to talk to her and try to apologize the best way that I could but she wouldn't even hear me out. She'd rather be talking to Cube...



"I'm not in the mood to talk, not to you, not to Eric. No one." I told O'Shea as I tried to close the door on him. He sucked his teeth and stopped me, placing one hand on it and leaning against it. "Naomi, c'mon. You can't blame that shit on me." Letting out a sarcastic laugh, I pushed him away from the door with both my hands. I mean it didn't do much but you know, it didn't hurt to try. "You knew O'Shea! You've been covering for him this whole time. And you let him. I thought you were my friend." He got closer, trying to hug me. "I am your friend but I was also his Naomi. I didn't want you to get hurt." He stopped, waiting for me to say something. But I couldn't. I couldn't get any words out only tears. "Put yourself in my place. Please. I gotta do a tour Naomi. It's not about friendships anymore, it's a contract. You think I liked putting up with that shit. How was I finna' stop em'. If it were up to me I would've been done something already. But we have to stay good until this shit is over." I shook my head and looked up at him, "You could've told me."
"I was. I swear I was. I was going to tell you that day I went to see you. But just being there with you, seeing you. I couldn't. I didn't want to see your it is now. I'm sorry Naomi." He reached out for me again and this time I let him hug me. I needed it. I stayed there for a moment until I noticed Eric and the rest of the guys coming out of their room and walking towards us. I quickly pulled away from O'Shea and told him that I had to go. I went inside the room and closed the door before Eric could reach us.


"Where y'all headed?" O'Shea looked past Eazy to ask the others.
"To grab something' to eat, you down?" They answered him.
"I'm with it." Cube agreed. Once the rest of the guys continued to walk past Cube, Eazy stayed behind to talk to him as they both continued to make there way down to the lobby.
"What were y'all talking about?" Eazy asked, staring straight at Cube.
"Shit." He stated. "Just talkin'."
Eazy nodded and bit the inside of his cheek before answering him, "I'm gonna talk to her. I'm just, tryin' to figure out what to say."
"If you love her like you claim you do, then that shit would come naturally." Cube explained. "I don't really care what you tell her, I told you she was a cool ass female and you're over here fuckin' shit up for some loose pussy. If you're gonna keep doing this shit, then just let her go. She'd be better off without you."
Eazy stopped dead in his tracks when he heard him say all that. He thought Cube was trying to convince Naomi into leaving him.
"She told you that or you told her that?" Eric clenched his jaw.
"What the fuck you talkin' bout?" Cube asked, confused about what Eric meant.
"You tryna' have us split."
"Ain't nobody tryna' split you two up. You did that all on your own. I went over there to check if she was good since you wouldn't." He stated.
"She ain't yours to check on." Eazy told him.
"Well, maybe you should before another dude steps in to do it."
Eric laughed and nodded, "And what? That's gon' be you?"
"Maybe it should be, at least I'd know how to treat her." Cube blurted out in frustration. There was so much tension between them ever since the tour started and this was finally their breaking point. It took that last sentence to get Eric to finally break. He instantly brought his arm back and connected his fist to Cube's jaw. Everyone was confused on why the fight broke out but they all started rushing towards them and tried pulling them apart but it was no use.
Suddenly, there was a lot of commotion coming from the entrance of the hotel. When all the guys stopped and looked towards the noise, they noticed an abundance of cops making their way towards them with their guns drawn.
"Fuck." Eric muttered.
"Get on the ground and put your hands behind your head!" The police instructed them. They all obliged, knowing exactly why the cops were there. They all got handcuffed and searched before they were all escorted out the building to the police vehicles parked outside.
"You are all under arrest." A cop told them. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..."

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