Chapter 21

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I wasted no time in going home as soon as my plane landed back in Cali. Since I left, I've had an eerie feeling in my stomach and I couldn't stop thinking about my grandma. As much as she pushed me to go and assured me she would be fine, I shouldn't have left her alone. My heart sank when I opened the front door and noticed the disarray around the house. There was shattered glass on the floor and the furniture was tossed around the room. "Nana?" I frantically called out for her, running to all the rooms but she was no where to be found. "Nana?" I continued to look around until I noticed a shattered vase with roses on the kitchen floor. My breath hitched in my throat as I remembered Suge had sent me some like that before and I just knew this was all him. I fell to the floor, not being able to catch my breath. A wave of panic entered my body as I thought about what my next move would be. Once I mustered up the courage, I ran to my closet and reached for a storage box that belonged to my grandpa. In it, there was his old Smith & Wesson. I was determined to find out where my grandma was and I knew I had to put an end to this once and for all. I left my house and drove to Suge's recording studio. I took a few deep breaths before finally exiting my car and walking towards the entrance. When I entered, there was a few people dispersed around the room laughing and smoking weed. "Where is he?" I ask them. "Where's Suge?" Everyone stopped what they were doing and directed their attention towards me. "He ain't here shorty." A random guy spoke up. "Bullshit." I responded, walking towards the back door. "Aye, you can't go in there." Most of them stood up and started towards me when I opened the door and entered the room on the other side. I stopped in my tracks, immediately losing all my built up courage when he turned to look at who had just opened the door. I eyed everyone else in the room, sitting sporadically around the room, listening to someone record in the studio. A slight smile crept on Suge's face as he raised his hand up as to que the entire room to become silent. "Naomi. What a surprise." He pushed himself off the wall and walked over, towering over me. I looked past him also noticing Tina sitting in the corner, her eyes low and avoidant. "Where is she?" I finally asked, turning to him. "Who is she?" He asked, taking another hit from his cigar. I had lost my patience. I wasn't going to do this with him. I pulled out the gun from my jacket and pointed it at him, earning gasps from a lot of people in the room. "Naomi...don't!" I heard Tina say. "Tell me where my grandma is Suge. I'm not going to ask again." I told him which only caused him to start laughing. "Do it Naomi." He challenged, stepping closer. "Shoot me." My hand started shaking as I started hyperventilating again. I knew I wasn't able to do it. I didn't have it in me. Suge knew that too. He slowly reached and placed his hand around the gun, signaling for me to let it go and after some time, I did. He sneered and was about to turn around but not before connecting his large hand to my face, making me instantly drop to the floor. "Get the fuck out." He looked around, speaking to everyone in the room and they did just that, besides his entourage of course . "Not you." He signaled Tina to sit back down. She looked at him and then at me with wide eyes, I think knowing what was about to happened to me. "Suge, please don't-" She started but he told her to shut up as he waited for the room to clear. I was still on the floor, holding on to my face trying to recover from the hit. As soon as everyone was gone, his breathing got heavier and he started pacing back and fourth. "You know? I give it to you. Having the guts to come here Naomi." He laughed. "Not many will do that. You wanna kill me?" He slowly started towards me and I tried to push myself away from him. "No, no. Come here." I cried out when he grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me up off the ground. He grabbed and squeezed my throat, forcefully pushing me against the wall. "I'm right here!" He chocked me until I felt myself come in and out of conscious. I could only hear Tina cry out to him to stop. "You're not so tough now are you?" When he finally let go, I fell to the floor gasping for air, tears streaming down my face. "You just had to make everything harder for yourself huh? You fuckin' bitch. You wanna kill me? Get up and try!" He then proceeded to kick me, hitting me multiple times on my side and stomach. "Suge, please stop! Stop! She's pregnant! Please." Tina fell to her knees next to me. I was shaking and crying out in pain reaching out and clinging onto Tina. I couldn't take it anymore. Suge stopped, stepped back to look at me and started laughing. "Pregnant?" He repeated. "Ain't that some shit." Suge came over and hovered over us. "I just did you a favor." I looked up at him when I heard a gun being cocked back, he was pointing it directly at me. This was it. I wasn't getting out of this one. God knows what was going to happen to me. Would E find out? How would they find me? Would I be missed? "No Suge! Please!" Tina screamed out. I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for it to happened. I jumped when I heard the loud gun shot but I was still here, breathing. I opened my eyes and inspected the scene in front of me. I realized Tina was slumped to the side and there was blood all over. "Tina?" I whimpered. "Tina?!" I started to shake her. "No...please! You're okay..." I hugged her tightly. "Tina? Tina? Tina please wake up!" He killed her. He really killed her. "I hate you!" I mustered up the little strength I had left to yell at him. "I fuckin' hate you!" Suge leaned against the wall, looking down at me, "You know this is all your fault right?" He stated as he lit another cigar. "I told you to choose carefully and you chose this right here. Now we ain't gon' be together but I'm happy knowing I fucked your entire world up. I'll always be right here." He pointed to his head. "You talk 'bout this. You know who's next." He pushed himself off the wall and walked away towards one of his guys. "Clean this shit up. Get rid of them." He ordered. That was the last thing I heard before sinking into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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