Chapter 7

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(Naomi's P.O.V.)

"Alright I'm going in now. It's getting late and my grandma probably worried." I smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek. I tried to pull away from Eric but he kept his arms wrapped around my waist.
"Not yet." He spoke as he dug his face into my neck.
I laughed, "You've been saying that for a while, when are you gonna let me go inside?"
I wasn't trying to get rid of him, I loved spending time with him, but these heels were low key murdering my feet already.
"When you gonna let me inside?" He licked his lips and smirked mischievously.
It took me a second to understand his dirty remark but I snorted and playfully hit him on his shoulder once I did.
"Never." I told him. He laughed as he lowered and placed both his hands on my backside.
"I was only foolin'." He leaned down, kissing me.
"Mmhm." I mumbled into his lips.
He pulled away and looked at me, "Come stay at my place tonight."
I giggled, "No E. I stayed there yesterday."
"Yeah, but you didn't even know."
I pulled back from him, laughing, "That doesn't matter, I was still there."
"Cmon." He pushed on, but I of course kept refusing.
"How about you stay here tonight." I eventually offered. I did need someone's company now more than ever. And who better than Eric? I just didn't want to be alone because then I would just start thinking about everything and anything.
He gave me a sly look before asking, "Foreal?"
I nodded, smiling, "I mean we gonna have to sneak you in though cause my grandma ain't having that."
"Shit, I'm with it." He grinned. "How do I get in?"
I giggled and rolled my eyes.
"I'll show you." I grabbed his hand and we started walking up the driveway of my house.
"Wait I'm coming in through the front? You ain't gonna check where she at first?" He inquired, nervousness evident in his voice.
I laughed, "Are you scared?"
He sucked his teeth, "Nah. I just don't wanna get you in trouble."
"You won't. Just be quiet before she hears us out here."
"If she call the cops on me, you bailing me out." He joked.
"Shut up E. She is not gonna call the cops on you." I smiled. We were walking up the steps to my porch but I was suddenly pulled back by him.
I looked at Eric all crazily, "What?"
"Who's that?" He gestured towards someone who was sitting in a chair that was on our porch.
I tried to study who it was but it was to dark out to see unless I got closer.
"I don't know." I told him.
"Naomi." A familiar male voice called as he stood up and started walking towards us. Eric tightened his arm around my waist, I guess letting me know that he was still here if I needed him. My eyes instantly widened when I saw the person who came to view.
It was... It was my dad...
"Naomi." He called once more. Things couldn't possibly get any worse. I groaned and rolled my eyes, "Don't do this right now." I scolded and tried to walk around him, pulling Eric with me but he stopped me, forcibly grabbing my arm.
"Naomi...wait." He sighed.
"Don't touch me." I demanded, pulling away from him. "Why are you even here?" I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to look at him. He looked bad. I mean, he has looked terrible since I could remember but it was really bad now. He was much older now and all the drugs and alcohol were messing up his appearance big time. It's been a few months since his last attempt to try to talk to me but I didn't want to hear it, especially right now that Eric was with me. I blame my dad for everything, especially for what happened to my mom and for choosing drugs and the street life over his family. I don't think I could ever forgive him for it.
"I- I wanted to see-you and talk to you but your grandma said you weren't home." He mumbled.
"You still don't get it?" I started to tear up. "I don't want to see or talk to you. Not now, not ever."
"Naomi-" He started but I soon interrupted.
"No! Why do you want to come into my life now? You weren't there when I needed you the most. When we needed you the most!" I paused. "My mother loved you, she would do anything for you. And you got her killed!" I yelled at him.
He shook his head and let some tears slip, "I-I didn't." He stopped. "I didn't mean to. That should of been me. I know-"
"Yeah. You're right. It should've been. But it wasn't." I cried. "I will never forgive you for anything that you have done to this family... you broke us."
"I'm truly sorry Naomi-" He continued and tried to reach for my hand but I pushed him away.
"I said don't touch me." I gritted my teeth together. "Please, I just want you to go away. Seeing you just brings back memories I don't ever want to remember."
"But I-"
"You should go man." Eric interrupted him.
"What's going on out here?" My grandma came out looking worried. She studied the scene in front of her before she said anything else.
"I done told you she doesn't want to talk to you. Don't you listen? Leave the girl alone already." She told him.
Eric pulled me to him and I cried on his shoulder.
"Yeah.. I was just leaving." My dad told my grandma and started walking away.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered into Eric's ear. "I didn't want you to see that."
"Shhh." He rubbed my shoulder. "You're alright."
"Come on baby, come inside, the both of you." My grandma called.
I glanced over at her and half-smiled.
She took me by surprise when she said to bring E in, she never liked any boys staying over or coming in for that matter.
"Your crazy father... I don't know what your mother saw in that man." My grandma muttered as we walked into the house and closed the door behind us.
"I don't know either." I sighed and shook my head, "Nana, I want you to meet Eric."
"Nice to meet you Eric. Please have a seat." She gestured to the sofa.
"Thanks. I'm not stayin' long, I just came to drop Naomi off. You know, just makin' sure she got home alright."
I laughed and rolled my eyes. What a damn kiss ass.
"That's very sweet." She smiled at him. "Your a good kid. Thank you for that."
"Yeah real sweet." I mumbled, sarcastically.
Eric smiled at me and shook his head.
"Well, I'm off to bed. Naomi make sure to lock up good. Goodnight Eric, goodnight baby." She kissed my cheek and excused her self.
"Goodnight." We both said in unison and waited for the closing sound to her door. I turned to look at Eric and motioned for him to act like he was leaving. He wasn't comprehending at first but he finally caught on.
"Aight well, I'm gonna get going." He said rather loud, which made me laugh.
"Okay, I'll walk you out." I told him, shaking my head and opened the front door.
He walked out to the porch and I gestured for him to go around to the side of the house to my window.
"I'll have my lights on." I whispered to him.
He nodded and walked away.
I quickly closed the door and locked it before going to my room. I let out a satisfying groan once I finally kicked off my heels. I went to my window and opened it, letting Eric in.
"Take any longer?" He smirked.
"Shhh." I rolled my eyes, smiling. He was so loud, and I swear the more you told him to be quiet, the louder he got.
"Damn, nice room." He spoke, completely ignoring me and looked around before he let himself flop down on my bed.
"Eric, please be quiet." I giggled as I rambled through my drawers in search for something to change into.
"C'mere." He called for me.
"What? I'm gonna go change." I said walking over to the bed.
"What for? You look good how you are." I blushed and laid down on the bed next to him.
"You aight?" He mumbled and started to leave trail of kisses down my neck.
"Yeah. I'm good E." I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lips on me. "Sorry again, about everything. My dad is crazy."
He pulled away and studied my face, "Don't apologize. None of it is your fault."
I gave him a small smile before I leaned in to kiss his lips.It wasn't long before things started to get heated between us. I knew exactly what he wanted right now. And let's be completely honest, I did to.
"Eric, this is wrong." I told him as his hand started to travel up my dress.
"What is?" He asked, confused.
"My grams is in the other room."
He stopped and thought about it, "She doesn't have to know."
I laughed and rolled my eyes once he dug his face back into my neck and started nibbling on it.
Before I knew it, all of the clothes that we wore was now on the floor. Everything about this felt so different than what I imagined. It felt right and he actually took his time and explored every inch of my body. He definitely knew what he was doing and lured me in with every touch. He drove me insane. I know I said I was going to wait, but I needed him right now. I needed all of him.

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