Chapter 20

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Eric's eyes immediately landed on Naomi as she was being led into the station. He grew anxious and wanted to know what she was doing here, in handcuffs. "Yo' why is she here?" Eric questioned the cop that sat at a desk in front of him. The tall cop glanced over at the frail girl across the room but he just shook his head and continued scanning through the paper work in his hands. "Man, I asked you a question." He pushed on when he didn't receive an answer. "Drugs, prostitution maybe?" The cop laughed but to Eric, his remark was anything but funny. "Look man, right now I'm just trying to do your paperwork. I'm not sure why she's here just yet." Eric fidgeted in his seat as he looked towards Naomi, who avoided making eye contact with him. "I want to make a phone call." Eric demanded. "Yeah, yeah. In a minute." He paused. "Who would you like to contact?" The cop looked up at Eric as he reached for the pen hanging from his shirt pocket. "Jerry. Jerry Heller."

Jerry rushed to the station as soon as Eric contacted him and was led to the back of the building into an office where Eric was waiting with the chief of the police department. "What in the world is going on?" Jerry questioned. "Mr. Heller, do not act surprised. You all knew that this would occur eventually. You were warned." The cop explained to Jerry. "You arrested my artists for performing. How would this sound in court?" "Yes for performing a song that insinuates violence towards law enforcement and that the department specifically asked not to be performed." The officer continued. "It's not right. Have you heard of the first amendment? People have the right to do and say whatever they want and as far as I know their wasn't any violence until you and your officers showed up! We will fight this." Jerry stopped. "Never mind that shit, what about Naomi?" Eric interrupted. "Naomi?" The cop squinted his eyes in confusion. "Yes. Naomi Williams. She was arrested. Why?" Jerry continued. The cop started to look through the papers on his desk until stopping at one. "Ah, yes. Naomi Williams. Arrested for prostitution along with a couple of other women at the hotel. She's facing fines, probation and even incarceration if convicted." "Man, that's bullshit." Eric started to get upset. "That's my girl. I want her out, today Jerry." Jerry nodded and looked back at the cop, "I want to post bail on all five of my artists and I suggest you let Naomi walk out of here today unless you really want this to go to court for falsely accusing and arresting a woman without any probable cause." The cop sighed and leaned back in his chair as he looked back and forth from Jerry to Eric. "Look, I'm trying to work with you here. I could either let you post bail or let the girl go. I at least have to hold one of you until this situation is sorted out because either way you're still facing fines up to $25,000. I don't want the department on my ass wondering why you were all set free." He explained. "Let her out." Eric said without hesitation. "Wait, hold on a second. Are you sure?" Jerry looked puzzled. Eric nodded, "Yeah. I'm sure." "Eric, you have contracts, things you must attend to. It isn't that simple." Jerry explained, a bit frustrated. "Well we gotta figure some other shit out Jerry but she's getting out." Jerry sighed in defeat. He knew that he couldn't argue or change Eric's decision. The officer got up from his chair and started walking towards the door once Jerry nodded at him. "I want to see her before you let her out." E told the officer. "I'll bring her in here." He agreed.

The officer went to the holding cell where a frightened Naomi sat, cornered against the wall. "Williams. Naomi." He called out. She didn't hesitate to stand up when she heard her name being called. She wanted the smallest excuse to get out of there. The tall officer grabbed the keys from his belt and started unlocking the door. "It's your lucky day." He told her. "You're free to go." She squinted her eyes, she was confused and now irritated. "What? You guys put me up against the wall, put me in handcuffs and brought me here for nothing?" The officer chuckled at her response. "Would you rather be here? I'm sure I can arrange something." She sighed in defeat, knowing well to keep silent because the last thing she wanted was to go back into that crowded jail cell. "That's what I thought." He remarked before grabbing her forearm and leading her down a hallway. "Where are you taking me?" She questioned, noticing that he was leading her somewhere she didn't recognize. "You're boyfriend wants to have a few pecks from that pretty mouth of yours before you head off." He joked with her. Her stomach turned at his comment. For one, because it baffled her how unprofessional and inappropriate it was for him to say that and the other because she really didn't want to see Eric. "He's not- he's not my boyfriend and I don't want to see him." She stopped walking, failing to pull her arm away from his grip. He laughed at her, "You don't really have a choice here. Besides, he's the reason you're getting out of here. The least you can do is give the man what he wants." She didn't know what to say back to that. Eric's the reason she was getting released? Her emotions were all over the place. She really didn't know what to think. The officer continued to pull her along with him until he halted at a door. When he opened it, her eyes met Eric's, who was sitting at a table in the center of the room, his hands cuffed in front of him. "You both have a few minutes." The officer told them and lightly nudged Naomi forward as if encouraging her to step inside the room. Once he closed the door, Naomi stepped back to the opposite side of the room, far away from Eric. If she stayed any closer to him, she knew she would give in to forgiving him because she wanted so badly to just hug him, to kiss him but she couldn't. He cleared his throat, not knowing how to break the tension that filled the room. "This shit crazy huh?" He cracked a smile but immediately sighed when it wasn't returned and she didn't respond back. He ran his hands down over his face in frustration, "Can you sit down? Please." He asked her motioning to the seat in front of him. "What do you want?" She finally demanded. "I - I want to talk." He told her. "Well I don't want to talk to you. You said enough with what you did." "Naomi, that shit was a mistake." She scoffed, "Was it Eric? You said you did more shit since we've been together. Were those mistakes as well?" "Yeah." He simply stated. She frowned and put her hand up to her forehead, she didn't know how he can be so nonchalant about this while shes so close to losing her mind. "A lot of shit I've done have been mistakes. I ain't gonna lie to you, I fuck up a lot. It's just who I am. I don't know how to do this shit alright? I never took anything this serious. And it's not an excuse but I just don't think sometimes and I'm sorry." He continued. "I'm tryin' to be better. I want to be better, for you." By now, Naomi had tears forming in her eyes. She was speechless. What does she say back to that? "Please sit down." He told her. She hesitated for a moment before finally walking towards the chair. She needed to sit down. She felt dizzy, nauseous even. She felt like she was breaking down. "Let me fix this." He begged, not being able to handle her silence. "I - I loved you Eric." She finally let out a cry, glancing down at the table. "But I don't think I can do this anymore." He sighed, reaching for her hand but she rapidly and impulsively pulled it away. "I'm sorry." Was the only thing he could say. He didn't want to push this on any further. Eric was realizing that this was probably for the best and that he had broken her. He was no good for her. She didn't deserve this. "I-" Eric was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. It was the police officer. "Time is out Wright. I can't be here all day." He declared as he stepped into the room. Eric took a deep breath, trying to ease his frustration. "Just give us a few more minutes aight?" "I'm afraid I can't do that. Get up, let's go." He ordered, grabbing Naomi's arm once again and forcing her up from the seat. "Man, your punk ass don't need to be grabbing her like that." E fumed as he jumped out of the chair. "No...Eric stop." She frantically persuaded him when she noticed the cop reach for his gun. She didn't want this situation to escalate any further. Eric exhaled as he looked into Naomi's worried eyes and just nodded before sitting back down. The officer then continued to direct Naomi towards the door but E's voice hindered her steps and caused her to turn to him once more. "Naomi." He called. "Can I look for you when I get back to Cali?" "I - I don't think so. Maybe we just have to take some time you know? You should try to get better for yourself E. Not for me, not for anyone." She was surprised at her own courage to gather up those cutting words but it was the only thing she could say and the only thing she did hope for, that maybe with time they will be together again and that everything will finally get better.


- Message for the lovely readers. OMG. I'M THE ABSOLUTE WORST PERSON EVER. I'M SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT. This is just a small little update/filler for you. I'm not going to lie to you, I've been in the worst funk and not in the right head space lately, well not lately, maybe for a few months now and I do want to apologize for that. I'm trying, I really am. I will try to update more frequently. I JUST WANT TO KNOW THOUGH, ARE YOU STILL INTERESTED IN THIS STORY? SHOULD I CONTINUE? Oh and by the way, I hope everyone is doing amazing and that you're staying safe, you know with everything going on. I'm sending everyone a huge hug and lots of love. Take care! xoxo <3

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