Chapter 14

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(A few days later.)

After a long day grocery shopping, I had finally made it back home. When I finished placing the groceries where they belong, I went inside my room, turned on the radio and let myself flop down onto my bed. Soon enough I noticed that 'Straight Outta Compton' by N.W.A was playing and that made me instantly start thinking about Eric. It was times like right now, on my lingering days, when I longed to see him again. There was absolutely nothing to do when he wasn't here and everyone that I was the closest to wasn't around either. O'Shea was also on tour with E and I couldn't go to Tina because she was still no where to be found. I was way to timid growing up, so it wasn't easy making friends and losing my mom at such a young age just made everything so much worse for me. I would completely shut people out, even when I didn't mean to do so. I know Eric and I had said that we would talk everyday while he was away but is was easier said than done. Sometimes we would go days without talking and it sucks. We were both busy and the different time zones didn't help at all. While I slept in the morning, he was already half way through his day or he would be getting ready to go on stage and perform.
The only time we could really talk is before he goes to bed and by that time he was completely drained and hardly got any words out. I understand though, I really do. I just miss him so much. His smile, his voice, his touch and the way he would just look at me.
"Naomi." I heard my grandma call for me from the living room. I sighed, stretching as I sluggishly let my body get up from the bed. I didn't even want to get up right now.
"Naomi...telephone." She said.
"Coming nana!" I responded before quickly making my way out of my room.
When she handed me the phone, she went to her room but not before giving me her signature side eye. I shook my head, smiling and sat down on the couch, immediately bringing the phone up to my ear and answered, hoping it was Eric.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey baby." I heard his husky voice.
"Babe..." I whined. "I'm so glad you called."
I heard him laugh on the other end, "You miss me?"
"Yeah." I responded.
"How much you miss me?" He asked me in a low tone that drove me insane.
"A lot. You know that E."
"I miss you more. I need to see you already." He said.
"Well come home."
"You know I would if I could." He paused. "We just got a few more shows."
I rolled my eyes knowing that a few more shows meant at least another few weeks.
"Why don't you come over here for a few days?" He asked. "You can come watch us perform. You should see the venues over here and the crowds. We got fans everywhere, it's crazy." He said, excitedly.
I smiled, "I know E. I want to go, I really do but we talked about this already. You know I can't. I have my grandma to take care of and my-"
"Let me guess, you're job." He stopped. "Girl, you still planning on going back? I told you we're gonna figure this out when I get back. And if you really want to come over here I could get a few people to keep watch on your grams. Whatever she needs, they'll get it for her."
I let out a small giggle, "She would probably hate that idea but I'm gonna try and go babe. I promise." I stopped.
"Right." He said agreeing with me, "I just don't need you worrying about anything."
All I do is worry.
"I know E. I'm not worrying."
"Good...How's the studio comin' along?"
"It's great E, but you have a lot of work to do when you get here." I told him. "You got a lot of people lined up wanting to be under Ruthless."
"You listen to any?"
"No, you'll have to be the judge of that." I smiled to myself.
"Cool baby. I need to sign more artist. I hardly got anythin' right now."
"That's not true. You got a lot. I mean you just opened your label. Everything comes with time babe." I told him.
"I know babe."
"Hey, by the way, since we're on the studio topic. Who's Michelle?" I asked, probably sounding insecure as hell.
"Michelle?" He sounded confused.
"Yeah, Michelle."
"I don't know, why?" He responded.
"Well, she keeps calling the phone you got set up at the studio. She keeps asking when you guys are gonna be back and something about an album." I explained, which caused him to laugh.
"Wait, you mean Michel'le?"
"I guess so." I told him.
"Damn, that girl don't know when to stop." He mumbled. "She keep callin' us over here too."
I rolled my eyes, "Who is she?"
"Don't trip baby. That's Dre's girl." He chuckled. "She's recordin' her first album under Ruthless."
"I'm not tripping babe." I assured him. "What should I tell her if she calls again?"
"She won't. Dre talked to her already, she was just trippin' cause he wouldn't answer her calls."
I groaned, "Doesn't Dre have another girl who just recently had his baby?"
"Way to many." He responded.
I smiled widely before telling him, "You're one to talk."
He instantly sucked his teeth, "Yo' ass feisty today." He laughed. "You don't talk all this smack when I'm there though."
"Well I'm saying it now, so what are you gonna do?"
"Wait till I get back and you'll find out baby girl."
"I'm not scared of you." I giggled.
"We'll see." He said.
Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the front door. I furrowed my eyebrows as I got up from the couch and made my way towards it.
"E, baby?" I got his attention.
"Wassup?" He answered.
"Uh, I'm gonna call you later alright?" I told him, since the phone cord wouldn't let me go any further. "There's someone at the door."
"Aight baby. I'll talk to you later."
"I love you E."
"I love you baby girl." He said.
I sighed deeply before we both hung up. Another knock made me toss the phone on the couch and without hesitation, I swung the door wide open.
My body instantly froze and I was taken by surprise when I saw who was standing right in front of me.
I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest as I studied the person up and down.
"What the hell are you doing here?"


-Okay loves! Do me a huge favor, like and comment on this chapter to let me know you guys are still interested in this story. I'd really appreciate it!♥️

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