Chapter 26: August's POV

Start from the beginning

"Good evening, tonight will be different, we're accepting new members to the pack this evening." Alpha Kent's voice sounded over the crowd through the speakers. "We're going to start with the new Warriors that we're accepting into the pack, we had a send off party for our warriors that are transferring to the Oregon pack due to their great loss of family there. Then we're going to accept in our Omega's that have been boarding with families around the pack. I also would like to announce that the housing for Omega's has been completed. Thank you to all of the families that have contributed to make a living place for them. Now on with the show." He said.

He had asked all of the new members to break the link with their old pack. During a ceremony of accepting new members into the pack the Alpha cuts the palm of his hand and the person who was accepting the bond of our pack would cut theirs and join hands. (A/N: Do not try this at home) One by one they completed the bond to our pack. It took overall an hour for each of our new members to be inducted. I could feel the bond of everyone shiver through my body each time they were accepted into our pack.

Alexandre had taken over half way through, and it was explained that he would be completing the ceremony himself as well. Once the entire pack was bonded they had begun the ceremony. Winston was itching to take over and get closer to the stage. Insistent to get closer to the young Alpha.

Once the ceremony was over, everyone in the pack was eating the meal prepared by Onyx this time around. She had made roast for the pack, and it was quite delicious. I was proud of her.

I felt a tap on my shoulder making me almost jump out of my skin. I turned to the intruder and noticed it was Ella and Raven. Both of them held sullen looks on their faces. "Hey, where have you been?" Raven was the first to ask. I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth and started biting down on it.

"We've been trying to talk to you for a few days but you were ignoring the calls from Onyx. We figured you'd ignore us, but not her." Ella folded her arms into her chest. "We wanted to apologize to you for not being there for you when you went into heat, and what happened during it. We're also sorry for overreacting to the news of your wolf."

"We should have been there for you when the news got out about what happened on Halloween." Raven bit the corner of his lip. Tears welled up in my eyes, my friends wrapped me into their embrace. "I'm sorry you had to go through that alone."

"Me too," Ella let out a cry. This was the worst fight we've ever had and it just felt good to have them here. "Just next time don't be a dick and leave us in the dark though." She pulled back with a smile on her face, tears were flowing down her cheeks as well.

"I'm sorry about that." I smiled back. "But sometimes it's good to keep some things to myself..." I explained, both of them looked at each other before nodding their heads in agreement. "Next time don't get upset with me, because I keep something from you guys, I honestly did it because you two do have things to worry about other than me."

"Anyways, I guess we wont go on a run since Winston's a douchebag." Raven laughed, changing the subject. He wiped his tears away with the sleeves of his shirt.

I'm not a douchebag, douchebag. Winston muttered in my brain. I wipe the tears from my eyes chuckling under my breath.

"He called you a douchebag." I announced making Ella bust out laughing.

"Oh, so he's back now?" Ella asked in between her laughter, Raven quirked his eyebrow in response. I nodded in response and I started pulling my clothes off. When transforming into wolves if we were wearing clothes they would just shred. Once I was stripped down I tried covering my scarring on my chest with my arms, failing to do so. Despite it being a part of me I still couldn't help but feel tarnished in a way. My body no longer looked delicate as an Omega should look like. Once my friends began shifting into their wolf form, I followed suit. My bones started to snap into place.

Soon Winston had taken over helping me transform into my wolf form. My paws dug into the dirt and I looked up to my friends. Raven runs a hand through my fur between my ears, smiling. I sneezed at them, Winston was wanting to play with Midnight and Greta. My tail wagged furiously back and forth, excited to spend time with the wolves.

Greta was a beautiful white wolf, Ella absolutely hated her white hair, which is why she always dyed it. Midnight, much like Raven's hair was a black wolf. I huffed, ducking my head down wanting to run, both Midnight and Greta knew what I wanted to do. Thank fuck, I thought you really weren't going to run. Winston yipped.

I took off, Raven and Ella followed me closely. We weaved throughout the trees of the woods, Raven passed me for only a moment before my adrenaline had kicked in. I turned around looking at my friends who were desperately trailing behind me at this point. I whipped my head back around and realized I was going to run into another wolf. I tried halting myself but inevitably ended up crashing into the poor soul who had stayed in my path. I collide with the large black wolf, yelping as I do so, not so much hurt as I am embarrassed and shocked. 

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