Before I know it the supersoldiers are outside.

"I'm going out"

I walk out with weapons strapped to my sides

"So we meet again!" I smile wickedly

"Genesis" Bucky nods

"Genesis, we're asking you to back down now. The whole national guard will be here soon and they will detain hostiles" Steve says

"Don't lecture me. God you sound like my parents" I roll my eyes

"So what do you want?" Bucky asks

"My parents want you dead. Quite frankly so do I. But I won't go down without a fight first" I smile

"Let's do this then" Bucky nods

Steve looks unsure like he's having a battle of conscience. Y/n of course is his daughter

Bucky and I get straight at each other not wasting any time.
The fight is pretty equal considering both of our backgrounds
Steve tries to grab me off of him but I kick him away easily.

I pull out my knife to get a good carve but suddenly Bucky grabs me by the throat with his metal arm.
I gasp for air trying my hardest not to give up.

Then there's a shot
My parents are outside now standing with Guns
The shot hits buckys Metal arm and he drops me

I fall to the ground and get a good stab at his leg

"This is my fight" I growl

"You could've died" my mother shakes her head

"Go back before you do" I yell

Suddenly there's a blue flash and my parents guns are gone

"Didn't see that coming" the fast boy drops the guns and the bullets

I growl in annoyance before going after the boy

Then a shield hits me in the side

I look over at Steve who now seems up to the challenge

"Throw it again" I hold my arms up

He looks at me sternly before whipping it back my way

I grab it mid air and spin around to whip it back his way

"This could all be over you know" Bucky says engaging in a fight with me again

"Not till you're all dead" I challenge

"Is that really what you want? I know y/n is in there" Bucky says

"Shut up" I get a good shot at his jaw

My parents come back with more guns

"Genesis! An escape pod is on its way, there are more of them coming" my mother warns me

I didn't care if the whole Avengers army was on its way. I was not backing down

"I need to do this" I growl fighting off Bucky

"We can shoot the super soldiers down and get out of here. Hydra needs you!"

I ignore them as I grab one of my guns and aim but I get grabbed my Steve who holds me back

"Y/n listen"

"I'm not y/n!" I yell head butting him and getting away

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