Pt. 138

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We roll up to the compound and I see the boys outside taking Danny for a walk

"Well well look who it is!" Harley muses seeing me

"My brothers" I smile softly seeing them

"Y/n you're back!" Peter comes over to hug me

"Come on Peter I wanted to hug her first" Harley jokes watching Peter hug me

"Pietro so nice to see you man" Peter nods

"Come here twinny" I grab Harley into a hug and he acts like he hates it

"Dads mad at you" Harley says with a chuckle while hugging me back

"What?" I laugh a little not believing him

"Well mad at both you and Pietro. Mad that you didn't call for help" Peter blurts

"What!?" Mad now I go to storm inside to talk to my father

"Dad!" I yell

"Hey the kids home" I hear dads happy voice

I see him turn the corner and it hits me how much I missed being home

"Dad" I smile running to him for a hug

As I hug him I feel 2 other arms tangle around both of us.

"Welcome home" i hear pops voice

"Pietro who told you it was a good idea to tangle with the multiverse with my daughter?" Dad starts to say

"Your daughter did" pietro smiles knowing by now dad isn't seriously blaming him

"We can believe that" pops laughs

"Come on sit" dad says pointing to the table

"Dad you can't seriously be mad at me" I roll my eyes sitting

"Y/n. Spill the beans, tell me everything, I want to know exactly how it was" dad leans in wanting to hear all about it

We tell dad and pops about our journey through the multiverse. Then we tell them about wanda which is a tough subject

"Pietro we are so sorry to hear that about wanda" pops consoles him

"It's alright, I promise it's okay" pietro says trying to be very strong about it

"Is now a bad time to say we've been listening?" Harley and Peter come in from the other room

"You guys are idiots" I laugh

"America Chavez huh?" Peter smiles hearing of the girl who can travel the multiverse

"Yeah- honestly you guys would be great friends" I smile

"I've been thinking. It's been a while since the family was all together" dad says

"So what are you saying Tony?" Pops asks his husband

"I may or may not have got a time share in Hawaii with someone we all know and love.." dad smiles his signature smile

"What!?" I gasp

"Wait who?" Harley asks

"I'm thinking that it would be one bruce banner" pops smiles softly

"That's right. And I decided everyone is invited. Bring who you want. The place is huge" dad nods

"You think there will be an open bar?" Harley asks me quietly as dad and pops get up

"Heard that" dad smirks

"Great job dummy" I look at my twin brother

"There will be, now I don't condone underage drinking but-

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