Pt. 120

549 22 20

We walk into Wanda's house to find her and vision practicing breathing techniques

"Perfect timing! You feeling what I'm feeling?" Wanda grabs my hands and starts practicing her breathing again

"Im feeling it" I nod starting to breathe with her

Suddenly it starts raining indoors??!

"Vis!" Wanda says over the sound of the rain

"Yes darling?" He asks

"I think my water broke" she looks at me a little worried

"Yes darling" vision nods a bit getting soaked by the rain

Soon the rain stops but by now we are all soaked and sitting under the table

Pietro runs around the house and comes back dry

"Means the baby is coming right?" He asks running around

"Yes, the phones are dead I cannot call the doctor" vision looks at us nervously

"I'll race you to the doc popsicle" pietro challenges vision

And in a split second they're gone

"Oh wow" Wanda puts her hands on the chair she's standing next to for balance
And next thing I knew I'm also feeling her pain, paintings on the wall started spinning and the lights flickered

"Why don't we sit down" I nod towards the couch

We wobble over and sit with a large sigh of relief
The audience laughs

"You're right y/n, what you said earlier- about childbirth. I had no clue what I was getting us into" she looks at me and I can tell this isn't her character speaking , it's really Wanda

"Well Wanda, we can't back down now. We're in this together" my character grabs her hand in mine

"But what if I can't do this, what if I don't even know what I'm doing?" She looks at me but this time it seems like she's talking about more than just the baby

"Wanda, there is nothing you can't do" I say seriously almost like I'm out of character

Then there's a knock at the door and my attention snaps to it

"Who could that be?" I ask

Wanda quickly gets up and puts a coat on to cover that she's pregnant

"Hey Wanda! It's me Geraldine" Geraldine comes into Wanda's house

The minute she makes eye contact with me something changes. Our characters are able to break for a brief second

"Y/n Stark?!" She looks at me relieved and worried at the same time

"Monica?" I ask

But then it all rewinds and I'm back in character

"Oh Wanda this must be your sister in law!" She struts over happily to greet me

"Geraldine so nice to meet you" I breath a little heavily seeing as there is a baby wanting out of my body

"Oh my Lanta look at you! You have to be what 9 months?!" She asks

Suddenly Wanda and I groan at the same time making the tv turn on and off

"She's not the only one!" Wanda tries to laugh it off but groans again

"Well Jeez, here let's get you on the floor Wanda!" Geraldine helps her down

"I'll grab some water" I get up

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