XLVII. Redemption

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All of the words of the others on the ship seemed to fall on my deaf ears. I didn't want to go back to the base. Everything would be real then. The ship landed as I took a breath. We all exited the ship. Poe yanked Hux on by as Larma sadly walked up to us. Then Rose ran to me.

"Did any of you get my transmission?" She asked. I shook my head. The ship was down, we couldn't get any transmissions. "Oh." She bowed her head sadly. "Poe, something's happened." Larma said. I couldn't bring myself to tell them about Leia. "This can't wait." Finn said as he pushed Poe and Hux forward. "We've got to see the General." Poe said as I hung back. "She's gone." Larma said as the others in front of me turned. "Oh Lilly." Poe said taking a step towards me. Rose laid a hand on my shoulder. But I then looked up at the other person who was affected just as bad as I was. "Chewie?" Finn asked the wookie as Chewie let out a mournful roar. I walked up to the wookie and laid a hand on his shoulder. To my surprise he grabbed me and enveloped me into a protective hug. He growled something I didn't quite understand.

"He said." Larma translated. "He said that if he lets her go, she'll die too."


I sat there with Chewie for who knows how long. I grunted and shimmied out of his furry grasp and ran to my tent on the base. I was thankful it was empty. I stripped naked and went to the fresher. I allowed the water to pool in the tub and I just sat there in the murky water, have hazardly scrubbing myself clean of sweat. Then the door to the fresher opened to revel R2-D2. I thought he had refused to leave Leia's bedside. "Artoo." I said. "I'm not in the mood." I even didn't realize my salty tears until they reached my lips. The droid almost gave me something that resembled a look and he flashed out a projection.

It was of a much younger version of my aunt. She was beautiful with buns on the side of her head and a beautiful white gown. Her voice came out odd with years of being stored by R2.

"General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire." The hologram said. "I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack, and I'm afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."

The droid stopped the message and beeped all knowingly. I smiled and kissed the top of the droid's head. I climbed out and put on a white long sleeve tunic with white wraps over the top. The collar of the tunic folded over the wraps and I put on grey capri pants and boots. I was piling my hair into a ponytail when I sensed an old presence behind me. It didn't feel like my father or Leia. I spun around to see a beautiful woman with flowers in her long brunette hair and wearing a blue dress and a matching cloak around her shoulders. Her stomach was slightly extended as if she was pregnant. We both knew that was no longer the case. The woman before me was my grandmother Padme.

"How are you here?" I asked. She didn't have the force, how can she appear? She smiled and held out her hand. "Fear not granddaughter, I'm a gift from Leia. I have something I need to show you." I took her hand as I found myself back somewhere I just was. Kef Bir.

I could see my cousin standing at the end of a piece of wreckage of the Death Star. He seemed to stare at the rushing water below. I could almost see him now taking a step off and plummeting to his death. Then I saw a shimmer of odd light. The shimmer faded to revel my uncle. Grandmother and I walked closer to Han. Finally he spoke.

"Hey kid." Han said as Ben turned. "I missed you son." Han said. "And I am so glad to meet you grandson." Padme said. I simply took a step back, not wanting to ruin the moment. Ben seemed to almost tremble.

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