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"The ship is this way, follow me!" Finn shouted as we rounded a corner only to see a bunch of troopers in front of us. "Over here!" A trooper shouted as they made their way to us. We blasted them, gunning down most. "Wrong way!" I said back. "There's not really a right way, is there?" Poe replied. He and I went to another corridor, blasting any trooper we saw. We ran down a corridor as I tossed a blaster of a fallen trooper to him.

We all shot and stunned troopers, jumping over their bodies as we ran.

"We close?" Poe grunted. "Straight ahead." Finn said. Then all of a sudden a blast came out of nowhere, hitting him in the shoulder. "Poe!" Finn and I exclaimed as we ran to him. I crouched down at his side. The bolt was lodged in his arm. I laid my hand on the wound and called on the force. It answered as I began to heal the wound. The bolt just vanishing.

"Are you better now?" I asked. We then looked up. "Nope." He said as we were surrounded by stormtroopers. We all raised our hands in defense, knowing we've been captured. "Drop your weapons now!" One of them shouted as we dropped our blasters to the shiny black floor.


We were escorted down a hall with out hands bound. We were soon face to face with General Pryde and Hux. "Allegiant General, the scavenger is not with them." One trooper said. Pryde's eyes fell on me. "The one you got isn't good enough. Take them away. Terminate them." Pryde instructed. The troopers acknowledged them and we were then escorted to an anther room. How could this had gone so badly. We were dead, so dead. We faced the wall as I heard the sound of weapons being raised. Then the sound of a new pair of footsteps. "Actually, I'd like to do this myself." Hux said. Of course he would. Finn was a traitor and I had claimed to be on their side once so I was a traitor as well. I noticed Poe swallow nervously.

"What were you gonna tell Rey before?" Poe asked. "You still on that?" Finn asked. "Oh, I'm sorry, is this a bad time?" Poe asked. I groaned and Chewie growled in annoyance. "Oh this is a bad time." I snapped. "Yeah. Sort of is a bad time, Poe." Finn added. "Well, because later doesn't really look like an option. If you're gonna let something off your chest, maybe now's not the worst time to-" Poe was cut off by a blaster going off behind us. But it didn't get anywhere near us. We turned to see Hux with dead troopers at his feet. "I'm the spy." Hux said.

"What the kriff?" I asked."You?" Finn asked. "We don't have much time." Hux said as I moved closer, removing our handcuffs. "I knew it!" Poe exclaimed. "No." I said. "You did not." Finn said as we were lead out and down another hall. I soon realized we were right above the hangar containing my uncle's ship. The general pressed a code on a keypad as the door opened. Then I heard the clanking of metal feet. "Oh, yes, there they are!" C3P0 exclaimed. BB-8 and the new droid beeped at his feet.

"I'll shut down the impeders. You've got seconds." Hux told as Poe nodded and looked out at the falcon. "There she is. She's a survivor." He ran out to start the ship with the droids and Chewie while me and Finn were held back. "Wait!" Hux realized. "Blast me in the arm. Quick." "What?" Finn asked. "Or they'll know." Hux added. Finn raised a blaster as he first pointed it to hs arm and then his leg and fired. Hux fell to the ground, pressing on the bloody wound. "Why are you helping us?" I asked. "I don't care if you win. I need Kylo Ren to lose." He sneered. 

But Leia needed information from him

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But Leia needed information from him. I glanced at Finn and he seemed to have the same idea as me.

"Grab his other side." I said pulling Hux to his feet. Finn grabbed his other side as we carried him to the ship. A confused Poe was waiting. "What are you doing?" Poe asked. "The right thing." Finn said. "It is not right!" Hux objected. I then turned and looked down to see Rey and Ben circling each other like prey. I shook them off and continued to the ship.


I bandaged up the general as the ship took off. I wanted to force heal him but with the way the ship jerked it would be impossible. I then felt a pull.

"What Palpatine doesn't know is we're a dyad in the Force, Rey. 2 that are one." Ben spoke slowly as shock waved over Rey. Almost as if her mind was struggling to comprehend something he had told her. "We'll kill him together and take the throne. You already killed your parents Rey. Taking down the ship with force lightning as a child. Killing him won't be any worse." He removed his helmet. Ben then held out his hand. "You know what you need to do. You know."

Rey killed her parents. But why force lightning? I left Hux and locked the door of the room he was in. I was snapped out of my thoughts as Finn shouted my name. "Lillian, we need to get her come on." Finn said as we asked down as the ramp lowered in midair. The wind of Kijimi wipped around our faces. Rey was turned to face us now as she took a running leap to the ship as we caught her. I noticed her bottom bun of her hair was flowing free but seemed too unbothered to fix it. As Finn helped her up, I could feel Ben's eyes boring into mine. We headed back out into space.


"I don't know why they're not following us, but I don't trust it." Poe said as he inputted the directions of the Endor moon, Kef Bir. I was seated across from him behind Chewie. Chewie then growled. " Landing gear's busted? How busted?" It was busted bad apparently. I excused myself to the main room, where now Rey and Finn worked with the wires. Rey tugged on them more forceful than ususal. There was an odd sense of her now. Almost a cloud of invisible darkness around her. I went to help them. I took Finn's place as he handed us tools while Rey and I worked the wiring.

"All that matters is the wayfinder. Finding Exegol." Rey said. "That's what we're doing." Finn responded. Then her voice got low. "I killed them. My mother. And my father." She paused her work. "I'm going to find Palpatine and destroy him." Rey said at a normal volume. That didn't sound like her. Finn and I shared a glance.

"Rey that doesn't sound like you." Finn said. "Rey I know you." Finn wanted to continue encouraging her but she cut him off with a glare. I could now see flecks of sickly gold in her green eyes. "People keep telling me they know me. I'm afraid no one does." Finn didn't say anything else as Rey slammed the panel shut and stormed back to the cockpit. Finn soon followed her. 

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