XV. Rescue

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The ship jumped as we approached the base.

"How are we getting in?" Finn asked. "The shields have a fractional refresh rate." Han said. "Keeps anything from traveling slower than light speed from getting through. "We're making a landing approach at light speed?" I asked with surprise. Chewie groaned in surprise. "Alright Chewie, get ready." Han said to his wookie co-pilot. He and Chewie flicked some switches. "Now!" We went into light speed as we entered the atmosphere of the base.


Chewie groaned as the tops of trees scraped against the belly of the ship. "I am pulling up!" Han shouted. We plowed through trees. Another pull I felt as the ship landed.

I was staring at Kylo Ren again. "You again." He said. "I can say the same thing." I mumbled. "You brought my father here." He said. "Han Solo."

I was being pulled from the ship. "Are you sure you're ok?" Finn asked. "For the umpteenth time, yes." I said pulling on a coat. I felt the Skywalker lightsaber in the pocket of the coat. A jedi's weapon deserved more respect. We exited the falcon and approached one of the bay doors. Chewie carried the bag of explosives. Han, Finn, and I were equipped with blasters. The lightsaber was if it got bad, like fighting the grandson of Darth Vader bad.

"The flooding tunnels are over that ridge." Finn said. "We'll get in that way." "What was your job when you were based here?" Han asked. "Sanitation." Finn said. Oh, he was dead. He's going to get all of us killed on this mission. "Sanitation?" Han grumbled. "Then how do you know how to disable the shields?" "I don't. I'm just here to get Rey." Finn said. "Finn. People are counting on us." I said. "The galaxy is counting on us!" Han said trying not to shout. "Solo, we'll figure it out! We'll use the force." Finn said. "That's not how the force works!" Han and I said. Chewie then spoke behind us. "Oh really, you're cold." Han sassed, to angry to deal with the wookie's issues. Finn groaned. "Come on." he said as we followed him over the snowy hike. We somehow got inside and boarded an elevator. The door whooshed open and there stood a stormtrooper. "Hey." It only has time to say before my blaster bolt hit him in the chest. Chewie dragged the limp dead body into the elevator as we exited. Finn shivered. It would probably be hard for him to accept that they are the enemy until they decide it for themselves. We ducked behind a corner.

"The longer we're here, less luck we're going to have. The shields?" Han said. "I have an idea about that." Finn said as we wandered the halls until we saw the metallic chrome armor of Captain Phasma. There were no other troopers around. Chewie and Han t-boned her while Finn and I pointed our blasters at her shiny head.

"Remember me?" Finn asked. "FN-2187" she said with disgust. "Not anymore." Finn said. "The name's Finn and I'm in charge. I'm in charge now, Phasma." I laid a hand on his shoulder. "Simmer down." "I'm in charge." Finn mumbled. "Follow me." We followed Finn with Phasma as a hostage through the base once again.

We arrived at the main control room. Phasma worked at the controls. Any minute I expected her to attack us and take us prisoner. Finn didn't get this feeling apparently.

"Do you want me to blast that bucket off your head?" He asked. "Lower the shields." "You're making a big mistake." she said before lowering the shields with a switch.

We focused away from her for a moment. "If this works, we're not going to have a lot of time to find Rey." he panicked. "Don't worry kid. We won't leave here without her. Phasma turned to face us. I reached into my pocket for the saber. "You can't be so stupid as to think this will be easy. My troops will storm this block and kill you all." Finn rolled his eyes. "I disagree. What do we do with her." he asked. Han grinned. "Is there a garbage chute? Trash compactor?" Han asked. Finn knew exactly what he was getting at. "Yeah. There is."


After tossing Phasma down into the compactor, we sent the signal to the resistance. They were there in minutes, firing at the oscillator as much as they could. We heard the roar of tie-fighters within the base. 

We took cover

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We took cover.

"We'll use the charges to blow that blast door. I'll go in and draw fire, but I'm going to need cover." Finn said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "You up for this?" Han asked. "Hell no." Finn said as I saw something over his shoulder. "I'll go in and try to find Rey." I stoped listening when Han nudged my shoulder. Beyond us and through a window, Rey climbed the intricate wall of the base, trying to get to a ship. Han began to motion to Finn where she was. Finn didn't get it.

"Why are you doing that? Why are you doing this?" He asked motioning with his head they way Han was. "I'm trying to come up with a plan." He then turned and saw her. We boarded an elevator again to get to the spare tie fighters.


The door opened. There was Rey pointing a blaster at our heads. Realizing who we were, she dropped it. She pulled me into a hug.

"Are you alright?" Han said, feeling guilty that his son did that to her. "Yes. I feel like he wouldn't hurt me anyway." Rey said. "Good." Han said. "Did he try to hurt you?" Finn asked. "Finn?" she asked as if she realized he was here. "What are you doing here?" "We came back for you." Finn said. Rey smiled. I knew this was all she ever wanted. Chewie growled behind us. I was beginning to understand shyriiwook a bit more. I smiled. Something about Finn was what Chewie said. Meanwhile, Rey nearly began to cry. "What did he say?" Finn asked her. "That it was your idea." she said as they were pulled into a hug. "How did you get away?" I asked believing to know the answer. "I can't explain it. And you wouldn't believe it. We all embraced into a group hug with the exception of Han and Chewbacca. I heard Han groan causing us to break apart.

"Escape now." He said. "Hug later." 

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