XVI. Solo Family Reunion

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We ran out to the snowy fields to the falcon as a battle raged overhead. In the sky, the resistance was in trouble, we weren't going to win this battle. I couldn't let the people and the man I saved die. "They're in trouble, we can't leave." Han said. We looked to the bag of explosives. He, Finn, and I nodded. "My friend here has a bag full of explosives. Let's use them." He said.


Rey, Finn, and I opened a service hatch. Han and Chewie provided a lookout. Finn and I sat behind her as she pulled wires loose and the base submerged into near darkness. Han and Chewie ran back into the base to set the explosives at the oscillator.

We got back onto a speeder and began to head to the other side if the structure so Han and Chewie could escape. But yet I couldn't shake the feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something was wrong. We then looked up at the sky. The sun was nearly gone, plunging the planet into eternal stars.

Rey, Finn, and I went to the structure and opened a hatch. The remaining sunlight beamed down on none other than Han Solo and his son Kylo Ren. We could barely make out their words.

"Han Solo. I've been waiting for this for a long time." Kylo said. His voice was warped from the mask. "Take off that mask. You don't need it." Han said. "What do you think you'll see if I do?" Kylo asked. "The face of my son." Han said. Kylo removed the helmet, dropping it to the railing-less catwalk.

"Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish like his father." Kylo said. "So I destroyed him." "That's what Snoke wants you to believe." Han said. I thought back to one of my dreams, or were they visions? "But that's not true. My son is alive." "No!" Kylo barked. "The supreme leader is wise.' He was clearly brainwashed. "Snoke is using you for your power. When he get what he wants, he'll crush you. You know it to be true." Han said. Kylo's face shifted. "It's too late." he said. "No it's not. Leave here with me. Come home. We miss you." Han said. Kylo suddenly felt a conflict, a tremor in the force.

"I'm being torn apart." tears filled his brown eyes. "I want to be free of this pain. I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?" Han took a step towards him. "Yes." Han said. "Anything." Kylo Ren unholstered the cross bladed lightsaber that I had seen in my head. He slowly moved it to his father. The light began to fade. The sun vanished from the sky. As did the light left in Ben Solo.

Han smiled and reaches for the weapon. Don't. Kylo's eyes filled with darkness and extinguished the blade through his father's chest and back. The red glow being the only thing that illuminated the scene. "Thank you." Kylo said barely above a whisper. Beside me, Rey and Finn screamed. With the last bit of strength as Kylo pulled the saber free, Han reached out and touched his son's face. Han then fell, to the depths of the structure.

Kylo Ren stood there, stunned. The act weakened him. Chewie shot Kylo with his bowcaster causing the man to fall to his knees. Stormtroopers flooded in. We fired back from the balcony. Chewie then pressed a button activating all the explosives. The structure began to fall apart and cave in. I then noticed Kylo Ren get back up in the chaos. He then looked up and his eyes met mine.

He began to painfully move off the catwalk and up to us

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He began to painfully move off the catwalk and up to us. We ran as fast as we could out of the base and into the forest. It was then I felt the ripple in the force. I had felt it, Rey had felt it. Worst of all. Leia did too.

We continued to maneuver through the forest, climbing though the snow. "The Falcon's this way." Finn shouted over the battle right over our heads. Then we heard a dreadful sound. A lightsaber extinguished. Red light came in. We tentatively approached the former Solo, who just killed his own father. He finally spoke, his voice full of hate.

"We're not done yet."

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